WEEK OF _....:...3_\-=3~J.::::.:... ' ~c~o:!..._ _ _
Paula Merritt/The Meridian Star .. RD-HrTTlNG CONTEST - ECCC's Toby Pinson, bottom, is out at first base after a _ • field. P nson took a wide tum around first without knowing Three Rivers' ason Gwin was t railing behind him. The throw from the outfield came to Gwin at =10 Pins1on as tagged out. ECCC rallied in the ninth inning, however, to win 5-4. CCC ·rallies for victory fice fly by J osh Lashley to give Three Rivers a 2-11ead. Neither team provided a ny For Three Rivers, Burton h a d a double and a single , while Steven Matthews added a double.
offense until the final inning of the game. Three Rivers extel'\d– ed the lead to 4-1 in the ninth. Lashley got on base thanks to a fielder's choice and later scored on a double by Steven
East Central received a pro– ductive outing from starter Brandon Fish. Fish threw 5 213 innings, giv– i ng up only three hits and walki ng only one. H e also 5tnlck out five for the Diamond Warriors. 5 - been ha... ing ~ prob I!Iru, but be really .mpre <::ed us (Sunday}," said Clark. "I felt really good today," said Fish. "Our guys out of the bullpen pitched really good and I was glad that we won the game. ECCC received relief help from Brad Farley. He pitched three innings, and gave up three hits in relief for the Diamond Warriors and also added a strikeout in the pro– cess. Jud Nowell (4-0) picked up the win in relief for East Central. Matt Palmer dropped to 2-1 with the loss. Overall, East Central improved to 6-12 on the year --~ 'T"'h..... o Ri""'r" f<>ll t.n 4-fi on
------ i atthe\\ ' · ECCC
Three R"-ers continued • anoiher
t t e game that made: the dif- Diamond \\ arnOT3 wen t ference," sa1d ECCC Three frrvers into the bottom of the head coach Jamie 4 ninth with a big hill to climb. East Central Three Rivers provid- answered the call, bow- ed the first offense of ------ ever, with three sttaight
APPE..!. = .=: Clark. "We also got _ _ _ great pitching."
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LAKE 1 SC0 - ,.. ......
..... ...... - the contest in the third
single s t o load the
:. = =: inning.
• J a yeson McDonald scored WI s- .... single and later scored on an for Eas t Central to cut the SPJ ...- RBI-double from Justin Three Rivers lead to 4-2. Brent Threlkeld to give Three Rivers Page then scored on a wild : a 1-0 advantage. pitch from Three Rivers starter • The Diamond Warriors Matt Palmer to trim the lead to mounted some offense in the 4-3. fifth inning, as Josh Hardy col- East Central finished its Aaron Burton smashed a
lected a single and later scored climb to victory on a single on an RBI-single from Spence f rom Spen ce Latine r that T .. ~;"'.,.,. t.n t.iP. the szame 1-1. scored two runs and give East ~ . ., -=-
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