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Diamond Warrior Infielders lnfeilders for the Warnor baseball team at East Central Community r,,IJegt m Decatur include (front ro\\, trom left) Spence Latimer and Justin Sto\ all both of Philadelphia; Charhe Welch of Morton, Judd Sanborn of 1\,>xapater and Brent Page ofPhtladelphta, and (back row, from left) Monte \11glta~.:to of Plaquemine, La. , Chns Weems of Newton, Justm Webb of '' tladdphta and Mario Mtgliacto ofPlaquemtne La. The Dtamond Warriors leJ b> head coach Jamie Clark and as:.tstant :-.cal llolltman They began a:.on a<.tton Saturday, Februa~ 19, agamst F uU ner State tn Bay Mmette, Ia (I (' Photo)
SCOT ECCC OUTFIELDERS - Outfielders for the Warrior baseball team at East Central Commwt.ity UNI0 ~College in Decatur include (front row, from left) Patrick Ferriss of Clinton, Toby Pinsen of Little WI NSTRock, Nick Wooten of Soso, Derian Dotson of Louisville and Daniel Munn of Little Rock; and (back SPIR1• row, from left) Justin Reed of Louisville, Josh Hardy of Philadelphia, Lee Martin of Lake, Hal Thompson of West Point and Jayeson McDonald of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Diamond Warriors are NEWT led by head coach Jamie Clark and Assistant Neal Holliman. They began season action Saturday, February 19, against Faulkner State in Bay Minette, Ala. (EC Photo)
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