Scott County officials visit East Central Scott County officials recently visited the East Central Community College campus In Decatur and were special luncheon guests at the June meeting of the College's Board of Trustees. Pictured are (first row, from leftl Jackie Bradford, District one Supervsor; Buford Palmer, District Three Supervisor; Myra Murreii-Davis, Tax Collector; Tim <;orey, District 1Wo Supervisor; and Billy Frank Alford, Chancery Clerk; APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_~ _....!..) _________ UN ION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL,_ _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ______ _ CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT________ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ___________ NEWTON MESSENGER
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