. ECCC receives public relations awards First-place honors in ~everal cat– egories were presented to the Public Information Office at East Central Community College m Decatur fol– lowing the annual College Public Relations Association of :1\fississippi Conference/Awards Ceremony held in Biloxi School Digest the rectangular survey language: and the basics of metes and bounds descriptions. Certificates will be given upon completion. Class size is limited to 20 people.
Practical Computer App lica· tions in Forestry-An Overview will be held Tuesday, July 18, from 8:30a.m. to 5 p.m. The workshop will be held in the JCJC, C.L. Neill Building, Room 217. The cost is $40. Topics covered in the workshop include: how new forest inventory software can help you get better informatton for less time and cost; how field computers work, and how t hey can save you money; which· mappmt{ programs will get the job done for you, and the differences between GIS, GPS, and CD-ROM topomaps. Forest Inventory & Cruising Using Two Dog for Windows will be held Wedne~da.> ..July 19. from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The workshop will be held in the JCJC Forestry Department. The registra– tion fee ts S60. The workshop agenda is as fol– lows: introduction to computerized forest mventory. inventory software basics; customizing the software set-up to meet your needs; t he importance of cruise statistics; com– puters in the field; and advanced options in fore.st inventory. Quality Forest ry Mapping Using FORS/Map for Windows will be held Thursday, July 20, from 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m. The work– shop will be held m t he JCJC Forestry Department. The registra– tion fee is $60 Topics covered in the workshop are: introduction to desktop map– ping systems; an ove rview of FORS/map; exercises in bwldmg a map using aerial photos and other maps; adding forest features to a map; and exercises in map composi– tion and analysis. CFE credits can he applied for. Call Cindy Myrick at 477-4114 or Jim Walley at 477-4173 for more information.
Community College in Decatur will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 5, in Newton Hall, Room 60. Class– es begin on the same day and con– tinue through J uly 28. Courses offered during first peri– od include Physical Science Survey II and Lab, English Composition II, General Biology II and Lab, Human Anatomy and Physiology II and Lab, General Chemistry II and Lab, Oral Communication, College Alge– bra a nd Microcomputer Applica– tions. Course offerings during second period include English Literature II, Finite Math , Music Apprecia– tion, World Civilization I, American History II and Introduction to Soci– ology. For more information contact the Office of Admissions, Records and Research, East Central Com– munity College, P .O. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327. Interested resi– dents can also call 635-2111 or (877) G0~2-ECCC. ••• J ones Ju n ior College's Forestry Department is hosting four workshops. Understanding Legal Descriptions Course 1 will meet on Thursday, July 13, from 8 a,m. to 4:30 p.m. The workshop will'be held in the JCJC Forestry Depart– ment, in the Life Science Building. Diana J. Knight and Jim Walley will be teaching the course. The cost is $130. Participants will need to bring a calculator. The course will cover the follow– ing: definitions of different legal documents. (Warranty Deed, Quit– Claim Deed, Specia l Warranty Deed, etc.); the rectangular survey system (NEI/4 ofNEI/4), how it was
East Central's alumni magazine, The Warrior, captured top honors for the second consecutive year. The publication is distributed in the fall and spring semesters to approxi– mately 7,500 alumni and friends of the college. The student newsletter, EC Express, also received a first-place award. The publication is mailed t hree times a year to senior and junior high school students in the ECCC District, which includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Winston counties. In addit ion, the College's Web Page, eccc.cc.ms.us, received first– place honors for the second time in three years. The Web site was cre– ated and is currently maintained by Todd Eldridge, who serves t he col– lege as webmaster, library technical assistant and art instructor. Bubby Johnston, director of pub– lic information, also received awards in the news and sports writ– ing categories. Johnston won sec– ond place in the News Story catego– ry for his article, "Malone Earns Fire Tech Degree," and received a third-place award in the same cate– gory for his article, "Gordon Named Alumna of the Year." He was pre– sented a third-place award in the Sports Story competition for his article, "ECCC Names Athletic Hall ofFame Recipients." In addition to Johnston, other members of the College's public information staff include Maria· McLeod and Karen Yates. Con– tributing writers for the alumni magazine include Or. Eddie M. Smith, retiring president, and Carol and Ovid Vickers, retired faculty member. •••
Registration for the second four- created, and understanding it; how week summer term at East Central to read legal descriptions written in
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