WEEK OF De . 1'3, PAC[
Lady Warriors take 2 of 3 had seven. Joe Copela d and Chri"' Wt>hh had seven, and Joe
Mile Bntalo both had ~ix Chad Copeland :-cored four. Clemon... had five. and Otha
By MARTY STAMPER Dc1111 'rat 1 >JI• 11 ,_, Ed11o1
• \\all ace-Hancevill e
Lay added four. '\omen 80. EC 67: Wallace .Janel' had five pla)er::- m St te led 31 22 at halftime in double figures. Brad Richard- takmg Saturday's win at son and Lacedrick Pettwav HanceVIlle. Aln both ~cored 16, Scottie Faulk~- EC' 9-5 got :l2 points from er had 14. Stacey Kc) e:- added Tom a· MoncriCf. H each from 12. and Durick White had 10 • tcole Cox and Jaule~hn • EC women 68, South- Crockett, seYen from west 55: The Lady Warriors Stephani(• H~trber, and stx outscon•d Southwest 41-27 m from ~largo Porlt>r. the second half lo take Thur~- • Wallace-Hancevi lle day's league win in Decatur men 102. EC 99: The Warnor" Ton~·a ~1oncricf led the 'l[cll to fi-p .as th('h losing stH~ L tdy Wan iors. 9-1 w1th 1-?-- r~t"hect: tl~~· -.yit,h Sat.~ rd. y., pointt-i. Sasha Lilly added 12, loss at Hanct•ville, Ala. Margo Porter scored 10. Nicole EC gol 19 points ft·om Cox hnd nine, Stcphame Har- l\lntthew Hoebuck, 16 from her had seYen. and Beckv \rral P~u·ket on. 15 from .Joe Killen and Jaulesha Crockett Copelat~d. 14 from Mile Bata)(), both added four. 12 from Lomond Bow1e. c1ght Southwest, 9-2, got Hi from Chris Webb. six from points from Erika Rogers and Kent Chamblt•c, and four each 14 from Terri Wheat. from Otha Loy and Sh·H\ n • Southwest men 96, EC ~loss. 80: Southwest. 7-4. got 31 Wallace led 54-52 at half- pmnls from Zebton Wells and time.
The Lad\" Warrior~ of East Central C~mmunity College went 2-1 in last week's basket– ball action to take a 9-5 record into the holidavs. The War- riors wenl 0-3 as they fell to 6-8. • EC women 74, Jones 66: The Lady Warriors plnced five player 1n doub1e [lgt ~ in taking th Dec. 6 wh 3~ Ellisville. EC out:scorcd .Jone::; 41-29 m the second half for the uth DJVi~JOil victory. Ton) a Moncrief led EC. 8-4, "ith 19 pomt,;. Nicole Cox ...cored 14. Margo Porter had 13, and Jnute<:ha Crockett and Sa:-ha Ltlh both had 10. Alber– ta Norman t ed m ,1x. Y'~>onne Ph1lhp, and Tam– mika ~im ... both had 1 point._ for J one:-. 9-2, wh1le Enka Slayton add o 16. • Jones mens;, EC' li ~: Jones usE>d a 52-30 :-econd half advantage lo beat the" nrnor... on Dec. 6 al Ellisville. EC led 38-35 at halftune. EC, 6-6, gol 14 points apieoo from Arral Parken;on and Shawn Moss. Chris Webb scored eight. Lamond Bowie
20 f• om Ron Rubin in taking Thur,da\ ':-South Dh i~ion co - te't in o"ecatur. The Bears clo ed the 1ir t half ~\"lth a 14-4 run to take a 46-~2 advantage tnto halftime. Lamond Bowie had 16 point"' fm EC. 6-7. Mile Batalo scored 11. Sha'' n Moss had 13, Arral Parkerson nnd l\lallhe\\ Roebuck bolh added nine.
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