wEEK o F bee_ J 3, 1 9crq I
East Central Lady W: E.1st Cl'lllral Communit~ College'., Lady Warnor... po~ll'd victoril!s OH'r South\H'"t and jorws Ja;.t '' t.'ek .1nd unpro,·ed their South Dh·1sion m '96 ChevyBlazer 4 dr., LS Pkg., Pwr. Seat, !·Owner, Srock # 10 $12,900 Against tlw \'isJting Lad\ Bear... on Decem– ber 9, Tonp \loncrid of :'\e" ton pumped in 17 point-. and ll'd E,1st Central to an cas) 68-55 win. \bo ,conng were Sa ...ha Llll~ of Columb•an,l, Al.1b.1ma, 12: \lar~o Porter of LouiS\ •Ill', 10; ~•cole Co\ of Lake, mne; Stephanll' liMber of Fure ... t, "l''ln Tesha Crockett 01 Phll.1delphia and BeCK) killen of Scb,htopol, four e,1ch; kssiCcl S.. nder~ of Edin– burg, three; ,md Albl'rt.l Norman of \;ewton, h\0, South'''l'st ll•d 28-27,11 halftime. I\!oncnef was al1 Jones led 37-33 a The Lady \\'arri tition by falling to day afternoon in H were Moncrief, 22· Harber, se,·en; Po Killen two each. \Vallace State le East Central'!> • prior to bcgmnmg In men's acti< dropped decisio" Southwest (96-80) Point makers i 1· APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER._____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES.__ -?s~,------- UNION APPEAL _____________ __ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _ ___ _ _ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN___ _ ___ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _ _____ ___
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