Delgado Continued from page 1B Delgado whips ECCC in first round fueled by a three-run homer off pitcher out of the game and wo got the bat ofBrett Kirsh his first of By Austin Bishop The Meridian Sta1 behind. We are just going to have the year. ' to show up (Friday) and hope thr Clark said.he wasn't surprised

C.\-ntrnl in t;ht!Ck the entir In a fwr..(Jay, double·f' tion tournanumt every I• looking to gd 11 cmn·ptel l Ill out oftheir pil<·her und l<• · ·•Y the run rule. Delgado 1<11 ' I'll of both on Thursday. .:c. n- is

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"We bad a 65-pitch gan of Fortenberry so that me ought to be able to come h"' • on Sunday if we're still ht·ve," 0 0:: Scheuermann. The finals a n• set I z IIIIC: 0 0::: for 1 p.m. on Sunday. <( ..:: <( "That's very important.," he 1- W 0 .__ said. "We haven't had the f!>r- !Z C ~ en tune of winning run rule games a <( z here. This is probably the first <( m z <( game we've won by the run rule 0 0 - in this tournament Si~ce l'":e .~ :I: ~ 9 been here." ThiS. 1 s 0::: Scheuermann's ninth year us Ill::<( fa W W h

better things."

with Delgado's effort in the

The start to his ltHun's !). J Region .23 'l'uurnnmcnt Joss to Delgado (Ln.) Community College on Thursday afternoon wHBII'I oxnct ly w11nt EaRL Ccnl rul Community College bead <"ou<:h Jamie Clark had in mind. Delgado struck ·for four runs 10 the top of the first inning in a game played at :\lcridiun Community College's Scaggs Field. knocking East Central net~ .Juf!tll' Willis (9-5) off the mound in tl11 process on the way to a 9-1 win hv the run-rule. "Since we are not a puwe l'fu I offensive team we didn't think w could get very far behind and hm·L~ a chance to win," Clark ::;aid_. "~l~lu very worst that could happen did happen - they knock our starting

"l thought the difference in the game. ~ami;!. was obviously the first. "'I told somebody a couple of tnning," t>aid Delgado bead conch weeks ago that I thought the ,Jon Scheuermann. "Momentum iH best team we had played was Ro importnnt, you get the bull Delgado," Clark said. "This n)llin~ Rnd play off that." wasn't surprising that they l~ast Central has another tough played this well." chore t.oclny as the Warriors, now Willis was roughed up for 26-26 on the year, must face the three hits, four runs, thn•e Gulf Cmtlll. ot 4 p.m. earned runs and a walk in the De Igod o moves to tonight's first inning. ~ gruiHi ut. 7 . ugainst Meridian .Reliever ~nnny Rushing gnvt: Conllllllllil.y Coll<'ge, which defeat- up tw? run~ Ill lhe ~t-wnd, 11!'1 I IH: etl l\liE!fliaflippi l><•lta 8-0, also in Wnrn~>rR h!ll lwhtnd 6 0, 1.1111 firllt ·.round pluy. th<'n JH.t~·ht·c . l \.v. t.!ll ovt·J·IIm ''~lxl "Jt dO!'Hil'li!OI any easier, but hrC';' IU11111gs, gn:111g l111 Ulrat'a:~ llw bl't,uka," Clark said. 1 Vnrnor'R n dann•XJ to wm. )) -.) •odfl'll big first inning wns , . Dclgudo • sin 1'1 er . Lu,k• .lU. - l•urteuhe••'Y (h·5) "HIIVIJ upn 111n o ., Pogo 48 ~lc run in t lm top nf the Lhh.CI, •ut: ot he•· I hun t lwt held .I'~ uRI

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hit.s lew D<'lgado, which moved . t.o 29·17 on the year with the win. ILl. 'g!hin und Tharun Anderson ndllccl n dnuhlc each for the Dol)lhins, while .Justin Chancy lwei n ainr:I

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