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East Central News
East Cent. announces soccer trias, honorees
Ea~t Centtal .......... ..______.~-·~
uruor College Athletic Asso– ·aon Academ1c All-Ameri– can for the 1998-99 school year Honorees and the respec– tJ,;e ports areas include ten– nl player Li::.a Che:mey, soft– ball players Ragan Mitchell and Ginger Moore and base– ball players Linzy Gressett of Carthage, Bo Burkes and Dcnni" ~1cDill of Leake Academy. Recipicntl' of the presti– gtou honor must have par– Uclpnted in one or more port:; recognized by the 'JCAA. The 1999 EC gr aduates \\ill be featured in Juco Review, the assodation 's national puBlication.
College \\ill ho outs for the ! lege year at 9 Thur::.da~. Jun Brackeen-Wo d P Education B
announced head neth Thomp- n.
Partic1pantb need all neCC5;:olltJ equ p ent the tryout:-, induding ......,.~~. shorts, shin ~ te For more informa tact Coach Thomp n at ECCC. P. 0 . B x 129 Decatur, 1\fis.. 393~- or call 635-2111, ext. 310 East Centr•. l Commuruty College recem:y announced that s1x. form APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_~~~~ UNION APPEAL-------~ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN__ X---!.____ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ------ MERIDIAN STAR -------- CLARION-LEDGER ·--------
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