y - WEEK OF ___ ... .:.......:...., ..;;.;." __ (._!,..r-+1--- - t 7-7 In the first contest, Jason Willie; of '\eshoba Central took the loss which evened his record at 2-2 Denni ~fcDill of Leake Academy and Jayseon McDonald of Tuscaloo'a camt! on m rehef. Leading hitter~ tor EC were Chaney with twc hit-. 1nd Wlllis, who added a smgle. In three home games played earlier in the \';eek, EC fell lO-S to Delgado and posted a 1-0 win over Lincoln Trail CC on March 3, and defeated nationally In Ct APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTI COUNTY TlMES____,;.::___----- UNION APPEAL ___ __:._v_______ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ CLARION-LEDGER___________ CARTHAGINIAN___ ____ NESHOBADEMOCRAT____ __ NE~ONRECORD _________ MERIDIAN STAR___________
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