'\ 'i WEEKOF ~~) 4 r~·~: ~) ~U~?~./~C,~Q~cL, __
and Willis, who added a smgle. · In three home games played earlier ' in the week, the Diamond Warriors fell 10-5 to Delgado Community College and posted a 1-0 win over Lincoln Trail Community College m March 3, and defeated nationally ranked and p reviously undefeated Itawamba Community College by an 8-3 margin on February 27. In the loss to Delgado, EC hitters were Meadows and Champion, two ~ts each, and Chaney and Weems who b oth had RBI singles. McDonald started m the mound for the Warriors and was relieved by Darmy Rushing of Edinburg and McD1ll. Joey Allen of Junction C ity, Arkansas was the winning pitcher agains t Lincoln Trail, as he farmed six and allowed juSt five h its. Leading hitters for East Central were Brad Farley of Jackson, Meadows and Willis. Farley wm the game with' a two-out bunt wh ich allowed Ferriss to score t h e game's only run. Meadows and Willb each slammed doubles that set up the one-run victory.
ECCC D iamond Warriors Pound Hinds in D ivision Win rughtcap and crui~d to the easv wm.
East Central Commwuty College earned its first divi:ilon' win in grand style O\ er the weekend as the Diamond Warriors poWlded 'lSthng Hinds Commwuty College by a 24-5 margin in the second game of a Saturday doubl~header The lop-s1ded ' tctory e' ened East Central's overall mark at 7-7 and d1vision record at 1-1. East Central had fallen 7·2 to the Eagles earlier m the da}· After sconng just two runs m the first game against Hind:>, the · Diamond Warnor::. exploded for 20 runs m 16 hits in the second inrung of the
Leadmg hitters for East Central during the record· breaking stanza were freshman cente.rfielder Lee Martin of Lal APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBADEMO_C_RA _T _________ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR ------- LAKE MESSENGER SCOTI COUNTY TIM._E_S_____ _ UNION APPEAL _ _ ___ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ·--- - CLARION-LEDGER._ _ ___ _
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