WEEK OF ----------------- East Cent al CC establishes

would attend East Central" if such an actJ\'lt\ \\as oftert:d. Lee sa1d the y M • LS•tppl community college wuh a rodeo team is ~orthwest 'viis– <>· pp1 Community College, located an ::.enatob111 and the closest univer– Stt\ to ofier the program IS the Um– ' er5Jt\ of\\ est Alabama. "'\\ e beheve that Ea:.t Central and L 'l\ A can wor:... together \dth the recrwti."ll': of and transfer or 'tudents who pa;hcipate in rodeo events," lee <>ald. He added support already recetved from the commumty and :.urroundmg areas ~hould 111.'ure the program\. sucre's.

"Several individuals have pledged their support for the opera– tion of a rodeo program through a committee that will provide financial assistance to the rodeo team. All funds generated by the rodeo com– mittee will be contributed to the col– lege," Lee said. He added Jerry Griffin of the Hero Community has agreed to allow the use of his ranch, stock and arena for little or no fee.The rodeo team will cons1st of several member:. who compete mdividually as mem– bers of the ECCC team.

meetm-.:: In r com e dm~ the Collet:e estab ish a rodeo program Dean of Students Randa I E Lee sa1d tht' ECCC dtstnct Leake t\;e hoba l'\ewton, Scott nd \\ mston countie•) has man) actne rodeo partictpanh and added h1' ofhce "Ha" had numerous mqunes m past year,. from students who ind1cated they

" Rodeo competitions are actually individual competitions," Lee rodeo team program

The first fund-raiser for the new program is an Open Rodeo sched– uled at the Griffin Arena August 27- 28, beginnmg at 7:30 p.m. each evening. Competition includes bare– back, saddle bronc, girl's break-a– way, calf roping, steer wrestling, tehm roping, and bull riding, each with a $40 entrance fee and girl's barrel racing and girl's goat tying, for $25 per event. Call-in day is August 24, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for students. For more information call Jerry Griffin, 601-727-4598 or 727-4595.

explained. "Therefore, different rodeo team members may attend and compete at each rodeo competi– tion. The same individuals are not' required to attend every rodeo com– petition. Total points earned by each member are tallied to reflect a team total for the given competition." East Central will compete in the Ozark Region of the National Inter– collegiate Rodeo Association. Stu– dents who participate on the ECCC Rodeo team will be required to pro– vide their own rodeo card, rodeo entry fees, transportation to rodeos, hotel provisions, boarding and feed– ing of animals and a $50 participa-

lion fee per semester. The Rodeo team ,,·111 be spon– sored by area businesses, veterinari– ans, stockyards, cattleman s associa– tions, Co-ops, feed stores and local riding clubs. An orgamzational meeting to further discuss the new ECCC program is scheduled at 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 19 in New– ton Hall, Room 60, on the Decatur campus. Parent and students are urged to attend the meeting. Plan– ning committee members include Cully Hudspeth of Loutsville, Lynn Strickland and Sam Bounds, both of Newton; Stan Palmer of Pelahatchie and Jerry Griffin of Hero.


LAKE MESSENGER SCOTT COUNTY TIM.-::E=-:::S :----./------- UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUN=TY::-::-:-J-::-0 -U-R-NA_L ____ CLARION-LEDGER -----------------


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