'1~ s-igi1- i(feiififi es ct.' roa.d segm.ents
ht> can \iWe may 11 .·tud We w•ll g copy nl our Will II HUrt sign lll•ldc alon~ wi H1~hway Bud 1 ~ 'icli< 11m IS hav1 t.. _,.n A- t l1 ghwa N.l• COIIIJII\1~ p garHmtion t·:d " ·""
Con tinued from page 1A
fined every day for the uncon– scionable behavior of those who litter, since more than one million taxpayer dollars are .W,~Ilfii<,'Jfj spent annually on litter pick-up
sippi. An acc<.impanymg sign will identify the adopting or– gan i'zalion , commercial or pri– v"tc enterpnse and wtll hang dir~ctly below the Adopt-A– I lighway America sign," Burkes said. It is hoped the new sign w i 11 appeal to the "patriotic, want– to-protect· our-America side of people," Burkes said. The de– sign change was announced ear– lier in the year to coincJde with Independence Dc1y. "We celebrate the Fourth of July because we have the free– dom to do so. Littermg can be considt'rt•d a byproduct of that fr<.•edorn, cn!n though dotng so constitut•·s a violation of state ,\1\d ft:,h:r
trom highway rights-of-way," Burkes said. "I believe strict C'nforcement of the litter laws ,i.n Mississippi would deter vio– ,lators. To quOte a statement re– ~ently contained in a release by the Mississippi Economic Coun– cil, 'Trash throws trash."' More than 1,000 volunteers ;~e members of MOOT's Adopt A-Highway Program, which has been in existence in Missis sippi Stnce 1988. Dunng the Transportation ~o111m1ssion's May meeting in 'l O)i,ikt: IIIJ\J ' ' t~n' I "''P dCG\I lu IIIli ll! II th•} 1*-'t\ ~;'ftt· l·f I ;; So\1\ _ 1 . I, Ad11p1 c/ si,.n II '1\ lll!' l_i. l-!- .. ,........ :;- , y:: ···, ~--'· }.. ~. --~_,.~. ~.yr.~ .. - ,.~:.~:\~i~~~~;o~CC::~ Shown with one of the new Adopt-A.-Highway America_ signs ar s ign that contains the adopting member,., of the Theta Xi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honot group's name. t;ocir.ty .lt. ECCC. .from left: Tif{any Edwards : of Fo~st, Adr " "For example, if the fran- Stamper and Christy Pearce, both of Decatur; and Brad Creel chise owner of a McDonald's '--''·~ ... ~·· -~ .... r·u·· _. . Mcrldinn . adopts a section of highway, - · - ~xu : zq Cl.~UZ>...J ~....J(/)::>;>{)
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