WEEKOF __ ~~-- ~b -_9~i~--~---
EC.CC To Officially Dedicate Richard C. Ethridge Hall on May 9
standing Teacher in 1964 by a vote of the College's student body. He has also been listed in the Outstand– ing Young Men of America, Per– sonalities of the South and Who's Who in the South and Southwest. In addition to his work at Ec, Dr. Ethridge has taught graduate level courses at the Meridian Branch lo– cations for the University ofSouth– ern Mississippi and Mississippi State University. He has contrib– uted to various scholarly works pub– lished by the Mississippi College and Universiry Press, and the LSU Press. He has also had articles pub- lished in various journals, maga– zines and newspapers. In addition, he is a certified instructor for the Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Devel– opment Course, developed under a Kel logg Foundation Grant, and teaches the course periodically. So– cieties and scholastic organizations to which Dr. Ethridge belongs in– clude Eta Sigma (classical lan– guage), Pi Gamma Mu (social sci– ence), Phi Alpha Theta (history) and Phi Kappa Phi (scholarship).. He is also an active member of the Mississippi Historical Society, cur- ~ rently serving on its Board of Di– rectors. Dr. Ethridge has served in various advisory capacities, such as the t-1ississippi ETV Advisory Com– mittee for the filming ofan educa– tional series on Mississippi History, al'ld as Facilitator for the Oral His– tciry Project on Veterans ~f Mod– em Wars and Police Actions for the Neshoba Counry Public Library. He currently serves on the planning committee for the National College Foflm' a..'J e\el'" to be s-..aged .,
follov. Dr Ethridge is completing his 37th )eaT a: EC, \\'here he teaches hon– ors and basic soctal science courses iz; ad.:·~o:l ~ sen mg as division chai.~ He b.s bee recipient of :lUme;ous .:;o:Jors throughout his ~bi.~g creer, the most recent be– '"'; his se•ec~on of the College's Ou:s.zn.:..=g H.:manuies Faculty M~ :rh 1~7 In recognition of w.ts a ~c and tn observance of .~.s anc H!!m:mtues Month last Oct~-. iT. Eilindge presented a ~e on ' \;::cerstanding Missis– st;;:;ans He•rs to Puritanism ' to a
DECATUR--Ceremonies officially naming a classroom building in honor of retiring ECCC facuh> member Dr. Richard Ethridge will be held at 2;30 p.m. Saturda}, Ma) 8, 1998, in Huff Auditorium on the Decatur campus. Located on tl1e College's South Campus, the fac••- ity was earlier designated as R..c • ard C. Ethridge Hall by a ur.an..nnous vote of the College's Board o:· Trustees. Among those scheduled to pa) in:>– ute to the longtime i~-c~c- i.:l– clude Dr. Eddie M. Smith. ECCC President; Dr. Phil Sutphin. Dean of Instruction; retired facul~ c;e:n'Oer Ovid S. Vickers, and the Re\. Da\;C Grumbach , pastor o f Clar e – Venable Baptist Church in Deczru.;. Special music will be pro,1ded b) the ECCC Brass Ensemble. Following the program, acm t ~ continue on the College's S w·b· Campus where Richard C. Et.~ ...=e Hall will officially be de Dr. Richard C. Ethridge ?Xked house in the Ovid S. Vickers Fme An Center Auditorium. Dr. Ethridge was also honored by the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development at the Universiry of Texas in Austin in 1996, where he was among other college instructors who were pre– sented medallions for excellence in teaching. In addition, he was named the College's HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day: Working Toward Academic Excel– lence !.::s::-xtor :o; I ~0. ! cesi=– ~non <>) t:J~ ~~ ;ssts:s;;;;;. ~~ __ ture in recognition of outstandmg college teachers. That same year he participated in the annual Lamplighters' conference which pays tribute to outstanding commu– nity and junior college instructors. .The Lauderdale County native was chosen Academic Instructor of the APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_ _ {;(_ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__ UNION APPEAL ___ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL. CLARION-LEDGER___ _ son lhrough A~gut, 1998. An ordained minister, Dr. Ethn dge has served as pastor or interim pas- ------ tor of several Mississippi Baptist _ _____ coniregat!ons, havingmost recently completed a 17-month period as . interim pastor of his ho~~h~, Clark-Venable Memoriaf'Bapt~t TT ••,,_ .,. .,..,._ ,_ .J
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