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"We' re tired of hearing about how good Hinds is -we've beat the same teams they have, They've got lots of talent , but we do, too. They've got big, strong guys, but we've got nig– ger hearts" Jimmy Kincaid Thomas said "Th e quar terback 1..:: "e!'} quick and the receiver is very fast. We\·e ~; to put pre.:.mre on the quarterback, which i5 what we \ ' e been doing all vear." Even though they are 9-0, many of the Warrio~ would feel . they failed if the} lo,e the Hmds game Holme~ -..a1d that ,,.·ould fall Ehort of the team's pre– season objectives . ~we :>et the goal for a 10-0 ,ea, on wav back in tht spring," Holmes :-aid. ''We look for";ard 'to playing in the stat! championo:htp game. ,.\nd we won' t settle for· less. Wid.e r ece}\·er Tim Lhin£",to.n :,aid even though he beheved 1t '"'lt-- p0" 1ble. he 5 still sh ocked that the Wnrriors are 9-0. ''I thought we'd ha,·e a good vear. but I never imagined this," "aid Living:-ton. a sophomore from Carthage. "It was always in he back of our minds but 1 didn't think we'd be Ia) mg this well." ' Freshman quart erback AI Hunt said he heard about th~ team's preseas.on commitment t o winning, and that s one of the thmgs th at sold him on East Cent ral. "The coaches told me they wer e going to have a good team." Hunt said. "Then I saw that there were a lot of sophomores here that really wanted to play. I've been told that some of th e guys last year didn't want to play and they're not ba ck this year. I'm glad to be a part of this team and I'm ready to take it to Hind H.''

:-R- E en though they are 9-0 and - m the nation, the Ea:;t Central t think the>•'re getting the acclaim they e Warrior , cou ld t ake a huge step toward ~~~~ton not to mention a chance to play for the championsh ip, if t hey a re able to beat South Di" Jon co-leadE:r Hindb Community College (6-3) ~turday at 2:30p.m. at Warrior Field. All three of Hinds' losses came as a result of for– feiture for using an ineligi ble player in their first three games, all non-division contests. The winner of the East Central-Hinds game earns a berth in the tate champions hip game against Holmes the ~orth Divi,..ion winner. ECCC has n ot beaten Hinds sine•· 1981. a 24-21 t riumph under head coach Ken Pouncey. Since then. the Warriors have lost the game b} scoreb :mch a-. 31-7, 34-7, 47-0 and 66-18. East Central linebacker and co-captain Jimmy Kincaid said he's not interest– ed iri. records. "We're tired of hearing about how good Hindb is - we've beat the same teams they have," said Kincaid, a sophomore fr om Morton. "They've got lots of t alent. but we do. too. They've got big, strong guys, bu t we've got bigger hearts." Maybe part of t he reason some are not taking the War rior s seriously 1s t hat the team had won only five games in the last three seasons before this one. East Centr al center Marcus Holmes, also a co-cap– tain, s ai d he's ready to show Hinds that the Warriors ar c for real. "I don't h ave much to say, I'm just ready to play, that's the bottom line," said Holmes, a graduate of Lou isville High School. "We haven 't proved all we've got to prove. We want to gain some respect from this game." If the Warriors h ave any hope to win that esteem, they must stop the devastating duo of Hind!-~' off~nse -quar terback T.T. Toliver and wide receiver Kevin Prentiss. "Th ose guys are real good athletes, but we've got a good ga me plan ," ECCC corne r back Xavier

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