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nine plays. The touchdown came on a 4-yard run by Tolivar, who had ver– bally committed to EC out of h1gh school in Daytona Beach, Fla. After a scoreless third penod, the Eagles added 17 more points tn the fourth period. Greg Manson scored on a 2-yard run whlle Judge had a 23-yard sconng run . In between, Westerfiel d nailed a 32-yard fte ld goal. A fumble by EC's Den·ell Reed at the Warrior 46 set up the fi eld goal. With 2:03 rcmaimng, llunt fai led to get off anothi.'r punt with thl' Eagles taking over at the 1£ 10 "It was errat tc .111d we' vc got a great punter," Coats satd of the punt mg woes. " It was Jll~t really, really erratic." Hunt averaged only 23.2 yards on the five punts he got oil · Hinds finished w1th 20 first down~ and held EC to six. 1l1e Warnors had only 99 total yards, while lil nds racked up 343. "They didn' t do anything on offense or defense th at we hadn 't practiced against or seen," Coats said. '"We just didn't play very good and they played real good. They ' ve got a rea ll y good foo tba tr'tcam. Nobody's beat them much in the last three or four years and we didn' t come close today. "Give them all the credit. They' ve

Tobacco Bo\\ I m Valdo~ta. Ga. ''They'll have a good team. but we'll play hctter though." Coats said of the bowl. "Maybe we won't make the mistakes that we made at the beginning of the game today.'' The game with Hinds was decided m the first 15 minutes. The Eagles drove 80 yards on the game's first possessiOn with Wtlliam Judge sconng on a 1-yard run with I 0:56 still on the clock. EC"s AI Ilunt took a long tune to punt on the Warriors' second posses– sion and was swarmed under at the 5. Quarterback T.T. Tolivar, a Clemson signee out of high school, scored on the next play as the Eagles led 14-0 with 40 seconds remaining in the first quarter. The Warrior nightmare continued as Joey Pinkston.fumbled the ensuing l...ickoff with Hinds recovering at the EC 22. On the next play. Tolivar teamed with Kcv1n Prentiss on a short slant-In that went for a touch– dn\\ n. Scott Westerfield's extra point gave Hinds a 21-0 lead wi1h 26 sec– onds left in the first quarter and took most of the win from EC's sail. EC got its only touchdown when llunt scored on a 12-yard run with 12:55 left in the second penod. Shaun Walker added the extra point. Hinds carried a 28-7 lead into halfttmc after marching 54 yards in

By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports editor To be the man, you've got to beat 1e man. And in Mississippi junior college )Otball , the "man" still resides in .aymond. East Central - :ommunity Col - - !ge hoped to take .. s the Eagles rolled up a 45-7 win ove r the previously-unbeaten War– iors before a standing-room only rowd in Decatur Saturday afternoon The loss snapped EC's 11-gamc mbeaten streak. "We don' t want that to ruin our cason," ECCC coach Will ie Coats aid. "We've had a good year. Atth~: 1eginning of the year, 1f we had hought we were going to be 9-1. ve'd have been tickled to death We 1re happy." You can bet the Warriors will he 1appy when they pull out of Decatur :arly on Dec. 5 for a Dec. 7 date with vtiddle Georgia College in the sec– Jnd-annual Huddle House Golden sles Bowl in Brunswick, Ga. It will >e EC's first bowl since a 19-14 wm >Ver South Georgia in the 1950 1c South Divi- ion title with a tin over Hinds , ut it wasn 't to be

EC quarterback AI Hunt (12) looks for running room in Saturday's 45-7loss to Hinds. The loss snapped EC's 11-game win streak. ~ got a good team. They're well-pre- good as Hmds. Mtddle Georgia W ill m pared and they played well. The bot- be real good too. m tom line is they're real good. ''I think our freshmen will learn ~ "Our kidS' played hard, we just that to play at th1s level, we've got to 0 made some critical mistakes in the step it up a little bit. We' ve got to ., fi rst half and we took ourself out of play a little bette r. We' ve got to 1 the ballgame. recrutl a little harder. We've got to "We've got a good team and get some better pl ayers and get the they've got a good team. That's the ones we've got to play a little better." ::. way it is when you get into the good Hinds will take a 7-3 record into b teams. We beat a lot of pretty good Saturday's state championship game "] teams, but we didn't beat anybody as with 7-3 Holmes at Raymond. 1 o·

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