"It was a lot of work and a lot of driving," Coats said. ··we feel good about our

11. 200), fullback Chad Neese (6-1. 182), lineman Cyrus Benn (6-0, 232). and tight end Undeon Hardy (6-2. 237), all of Neshoba Central. Freshmen from Louisville's 4A state championship team are comer– back Chris Crosby (5-l 0, 150), defensive linemen Byron Johnson (6-1, 256) and Tyquan Taylor (5-ll, 236), and offensive lineman Gary Ashford (5-1 0, 334). The Warrior returnees from '95 are wide receiver Tim Livingston (5 -1 0, 170) of Leake Academy, strong safeties Xavier Thomas (5- II , 205 ) and Jeff Rowell (5-11, 205), wide receiver Calvin William!) (5-11, 185 ), cornerbacks Ashanti Webb (5-1 1, 182) and Mark Thomas (5-1 0. 185 ), linebacker Kcmba Bryant (6-1, 215), quarterback Jake Kizziah (6-2, 205), fullback Steve Bradford (6-0, 226), linebacker Jimmy Kincaid (6-0, 204), defensive linemen Kevin Blanks (6-1, 236) and Earl Truss (6-1. 232), defensive end Neal Keeton (6-1. 245), and offensive linemen Letrail Cistrunk (6-6, 280), Demarcus Holmes (5-11. 256) and Ryan Stokley (6- 1. 257). Two other sophomores arc on the roster.

Freshmen out– of - state recruits that we brought in. "We out– recruited some other junior colleges. We just worked our bulls off. Mack Pittman made all-stale in Florida for

that's what you've got to colic.ges. The more you _ ba-.k. the better off you \car at Pearl River we went and taned 21 sophomores and I ~ 1\"ld freshman player. If ) ou can start guys that's been )OU a year and get lucky with n:~ )ou've got a chance to have -:11ng season." Ta;.;e 1995 state champion Hinds, r e>.amp le. The Eagles had 26 1rnores. All 26 signed with -,ear schools. No wonder Hinds 10-2. \\ hile EC isn't at that point, at:. is making strides to narrow .: gap between the Warriors and t'1e perennial state powers. ..We need to get to the point '"here we expect to win," Coats said. "'We've slowly been building up our confidence and we need more of that." One of the top freshmen for '~ats b running back Mack Pittman (5 9. 235) from Panama City, Fla. Pillman was the MYP of the Flon– da-Georgia All-Star Game and was one of just t\\O player~ 10 make all– tate- m Flonda a!>,\ junior. Another promi~tng roukte quarterbaciJpu tc r AI Hun t Honea Path C He re touchdoo,~, ns pa , ' 1n h1 ht~h

Willie Coats (2-8, 1 year)

two years. He's considered one of the best running backs out of the state of Florida last year. The, quar– terback from South Carolina (Hunt) is a real good player and an out– standing punter. We got probably the best linemen out of the state of West Virginia (in Hamler). ·•Hamler il> the best lineman I've ever seen on film in my 15 years of junior college coaching. He's going to be a real good player for us. "Bo Thomas is a man. He's as good a football player as there is . anywhere as far a!> freshmen. He's · tough." The Warnors also added three freshmen trom Tuscaloosa Central, last )Car's Cla!>s 6A !;tare cha,mpi– on~hip team tr t...lal :una. That group mclud detcn nc end William 0 e en: ... lmcman Del• ,. Rdmer (6-2. 231 ). linebacker Dejuan Cla1k (6-0, 212), The Falcons beat Montgomery Jeff Dav1s 7-6 tn the title game to cap a 13-1 year. Cl~rk led that team in tackles. Another lrcshman from Alabama i'> Holt's Kendril.:k Clancy. a 6-foot- 2, 263-pound defensive lineman. Neshoba Countians on the roster are full bad Billy Singleton (6-1, 190\. linebacker Zack Sanders (5- EC opens its season on Sept. 5 at Holmes. Northeast, 0-10 in 1995, provides the oppositi on for th e home opener on Sept. 12. Northwest and ftawamba complete the North Division slate as the league has decided to (fut the non divi sion games at the beginning of the year instead of being scattered through out the season. ..T like that," Coals said. "I Like playing your non-conference games first. We don't consider them exhib1 tion games at all. but it gives you a chance to work out some of your problems.'" Asl>isting Coats are Terry Under wood. Timmy Coats, hedrick Lyons . Jon Williams, and Jua n

Sept - Sept 12 Sept 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7

Running back Derrell Reed t5- l 0, 205) returns after mi:>~ing the 1 1995 seasqn. He p.layed at EC 1n


at Co-Un Southwest

6 ;:!0)

L------------~ chool all-~tar game. 1994 but was ineligible Ia' all Also sure to get attention are Defe~sive lin~man Bouchard Green ~ffen~ive linemen Bn Thomas (6-t. (6-5 295) sal out '95 after p a 101! _80) of Morroo,~,. Ga and Ja~on at G~orgia Military Institute m ~~ ~ Ni~on ~6-3: 2.,5 I Semmnle. Ga · Another freshman who maJ~ his -and detenstvt hnema'l Core) Ham– mark on some area teams is ·ne- ler(o-1.303)ofCharfe,ton. WV. ba~.:ker William Johnson (5-ll. 205) Sl h?\\ Old Co:Jh pull off such a of Newton. Carthage's Horace ~ash re~ru:ttng coup at a 'choo~ that (6-2,196)joinsthereceivingccrp~. hasn I po~ted a \\lOlling season With not as many high school smce 1987 ·

players in its district to pick from compared to Hinds , Northwest Jones. Gulf Coast, ct. al., Coa\1 J....nnws his team can't be a run-and– gun outfit 011 offense and be sui.:· ccssful '"[ think that in our situation \\e need to cnntrnl the foot hall and ilOid CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCR NEWTON RECORD CLARION-LEDGER

our turnovers to a \Cf) mtmmum and supplement our good sohd nm– nino game with a short, baii-contr~~ pas~ing game like San Francisco Coats said. '·We want to be able r.o throw the ball successfully. I.n thl!> league, the defenses are .so big and strong you can't just lme up and knock them off the ball. You've got to mix it up. ..We like to run the opuon and we' ll nm. in some opuun plays to let the defense have something to worry about."



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