South Division lead • EC 10, Northea t 0: The \Varri or' scored seven run-. dur ng the fi r\ t three innings of Friday\, rout at Booneville. E'ttep (- -: n•.!htcap. 61 Jc·nathan Jnnl.

Jason Latham 1 1-1 1 'trud out eight and gave up just two hns 11 the \even-inning con– tc:.t. Tommy Bo~t hu-d tv.o tnplc~ and a single for EC, while Jon.-than Cro\\e had three sin– gles. Brandon Wi .1m' added a single and a double, while Greg ~1cBride had a double. EC improved tt 1.!-9 • h the win. • EC 7-10, (tav.amba 1-2: The Warriors got more good pllchtng .~ m Willis Lally and Kenny Estep a:. the} ""P' hawamba Saturday at Fulton. Lally (6-2) tossed a fh•e-hurc::r 10 the opener. Marc u~ Th ame pro\JJed the offense, going 4-for-4 " uh a ... hoot-record three triples. Tomm} B ' ' added a double and a triple.

A four-run lead as the Warr

• EC 18, orthw

Warriors rallied seventh to beat t. e tohia. Ra) Ivy ( 1-0 innings of relief Brandon \\ rlh among EC'~ I~ h hits mcluding a d td. Duma~ ot ~Ln.us Thame'. lWO hils

red and :.inglcd m\ Bost had three Cary Lambert and

EC unprmed t ~-~9

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