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ECCC Collegians Selected as members of the Collegians at East Certral Ccr:um:n ~Co ege in Decatur for the 1995-96 term are (front row from left) Valeria Buggs of Newton, Carla Clark of Ph ladelphia and Kim Blackburn of Decatur, all vocalists; (second row from left) Brian Green and Josn Bamburg, both trumpet players from Decatur; Matt Eakes of Philadelphia, alto/tenor sax: Clay Hammond.... m Savell, Mingo Tingle and Glen Hansford, all technicians from Decatur; Ryan Clarke of Decatur, bass: N1c Massey of Union, guitar; Chancy Branning of Philadelphia, drumest; Lori WMe of Decatur keyboards; and (top from left) J. B. Ware of Union, trombone; and Lucas Harms and Jeremy Swindle both of Decatur, and Shawn Houser of Lake, all vocalists. This popular Top 40 vocaVmstrumental group is selected by audition each fall semester. In spring 1996 the group will travel to Wash.ngto'l D C , to perform at the National Phi Theta Kappa Convention. The group is lead by Thomas W. Carson, director, and Johnny May, assistant to the director. ECCC concert choir to perform Dec. 5
For more information, contact Hinson, ECCC, Decatur, Miss . 39327, (601) 635-2111 , ext. 225.
The Concert Choir of East Central Commumcy College will present il.!. annual fall semester program at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5 in the Ovid S. Vicker Fines Arts Center Auditori– um on the Decatur campus. Admis- ion is free. The program will featu re the ECCC Concert Choir, the Ac'cents, a \'Ocal "pop" ensemble; and the
Church in Hickory. Each group will be performmg both seasonal and nonseasonal music. The concert will conclude with the tradttlonal smging of the "Hallelujah Chorus' from Handel's "Messtah." The Concert Choir and the Ac'cents are directed by Charles W. Hinson, music instructor, and Marian Thornton, piano and music instruc– tor.
lPPE Handbell Choir from First Baptist C -,.?TH -\G I:--.: lAN___ _ _
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