WEEK ., OF 5- 15-95
ECCC holds 66th commencement ceremony for 263 graduates Commencement activities
Kevin Wayne Baysinger, Heather Marie Beckham, Jeffrey Boswell, William Lundy Brantley, Michael Brooks Bryan, Maggie Bell Chitto, Debbie Lynn Clark , Leigh Ann Coats, Stephen Roy Curtis, Richard Guy Cutrer, Janet Willis Farv e, Ryan Douglas Fulton, Jimmy Paul Gray, R. Kevin Hearn, Velma L Henry, Sara T. Hollin9sworth, Shan· non Dawn Jenkins, R1cky John, lisa Johnson, Bridgett Jones, Christi T. Lee, Ralph A. Lewis Jr., Jason Carr Lon9. , Max Ryan Maxey, Harold Dew1tt McAdory, Nolan Mitch, Kim· berley D. Moore, Kandi Carol Poe, Phillip Derrick Prince, Jennifer Kath· leen King Rawls, Dana N. Reid , Laura Lea Robinson, Ronald Ryan Sam, Rhonda D . Sanderford, Amanda Nichola Seward and Jin· niter Dawn Sharp, Me linda A. Smith, Tammy R. Spencer, Vincent Lemont Spencer, Teresa Nahwee Stroud, Hen rietta Kaye Thomas, Jacqueline Dane Vance, Mary Ann Ross Williamson , Barbara Ann Willis , Toronda Wilson, Amanda York, Janice Kay York and Michelle Lynn Zeman, all of Philadelphia. Newton County Sherry Caroline Buckley , Chunky; Rachael Chesney, Tracey Leann Graham, Jeannie Marie Har– alson, Michael Shannon Jimmie, Leslie Anne Lang, Kimberlea K. Peckham, Ouendal Hayes Shoe– make and Robert C. Wall, all of Conehatta; Kristen Leigh Barnett, Amanda Gibbs Blount , Mario M. Brown, Wanda Gwen Burton, Leslie Miles Cleveland, Rebecca D. Ezell, Carla Renee Glenn, Eric Demond Goodman, Sue Harrison, Terry L. Jones, Eri Todd Jordan , Melissa Paige Loper, Rebecca Kristen Luke, Sonja Renee Majure. Anthony Todd Reeves, Kristopher David Rigdon, Misty Dawn Savell and Kimberly Spillman, all of Decatur: Robin Patch Acord, Stacy Lynn Acord, John Lee Ferguson, Millard Levery Henley, David Michael Hurst Jr. and Virginia Joann Williams, all of Hick· ory Will am Ryan Buteux. Jod Renee Cra . en Teresa A Bur"lett :: o !..a.....c- ca latr ce ....tHr s S• - - a"""' C"a- : :.·ace =c:E ::: · Jason Lavoy Gofortl'1, Jenn fer E Hilt. An~ela Melissa Luke, Brandl Kay Sm1th, Lat1sha Nickole Vance and Gerald Glen White, all of Little Rock; Randy Leon Bradley, Joseph Chad Breland, Angela Renee Chap– man, Tammie L. Evans, Cordney f ..._. .... ,..,,.,,.,.,.. C"+ __ ._...,_ , _ t I I ! ••1-
Matthew Adkins, He idi Daree Apperson, Anitrel Kay Arthur, Michael W. Bradley , Amanda Danielle Breland, Mitchell Von Bullard , Wortly Evans Cager, Tammy Renee Carey, Amy S. Ezell, Chris Ezell , Rita Foster, Joseph Randall Germany, Brandi lashonda Harber, Charlie Max Hardin, Ryan Joe Henry, Jean Ann James, Richard Lamar Johnson, Paul Keith Killen, Steven Trent Mabry, JEnnifer Jalene Moorehead , Christophe r Brian Mowdy , Kimbe rly Mowdy Price, Reid Paul Sanders, Mandy Rae Sessums , Holly E. Sharp, Rebecca Ann Spence and David Lee Warren, all of Union. Scott County: Shanion D. Kyzar, Harperville; Alma Arlene Bates, Hillsboro; Elmer Ash, Donree Lorenzo Clark, Janette Grant , Penny Rena Hartman, Ronda Audia-Nicole Jones, Angela Loper Lewis, Rodney Lyles, Dave Hal Morehead, Charles L. Patrick, Jody Bucannon Riser, Cynthia Demse Sharp, Johnny Shoemaker, Mary E. Warren, Mark A. West, David Chad Williams and William Craig Wolf, all of Forest; Wilma Nell Cooksey , Nancy Lee Jones, Stephanie Moore and Lettra Cook· sey Tally, all of Lake; and Amy Michelle Anthony, Heather Nichole Butler; Leia Nichole Crimm, Steven Lamar Denson, Genia Lee Griffin, Michael Antonio Holbert, Stanwood Lee Kincaid and LaWanda Miles, all of Morton. Winston County: Usa M. Blanset, Valerie Marsha Childress, Robin T. Clark, Rosie Mae Clark, Veronica Clingan Edwards, Jolie Diane. Eubanks, Angela Luwanna Harden, Donna Michelle Hopkins, Eddie T. Hunt, Bridgett Dale Joiner, Julie Ann Join· er, Sherri Jones, Max R. Keene, Christopher William Kemp, Christi– na K. McAdory, James William Mcleod, Daren Deon Middleton, Cornell L. Miller, Robert Bradley Peterson, Willie R. Porter, Patricia N Robertson, Nicholas Earl Turner and Stace. Arnez Woods a o' !..o...;s e Je a:. ~
were held May 12 for 263 grad– uation candidates at East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur The ceremony , which marked the college's 66th com– mencement program, was held at Warrior Stadium. Mandy Sessums of Union, who was earlier selected as ECCC's HEADWAE Student for 1994- 95 (Higher Education Appreci– ation Day - Working Toward Academic Excellence), deliev– ered the commencement address. Sessums was also named to the Phi Theta Kappa Academic All-State F irst Team. Other students serving as porgram participants included Phillip Prine of Philadelphia, invocation; Inex Cager of Union, soloist; and Mike Hurst of Hickory, bene– diction. Degrees and certificates were awarded by college presi– dent Eddie M. Smith and Phil A. Sutphin, dean of instruc– tion. The passing-of-the-mace ceremony from retiring English instructor Ovid Vick– ers to faculty member Lucille Wood made Wood the college's instructor with the longest tenure. Vickers retirement came following 40 years of ser– vice on the Dacture campus. Wood began her work at ECCC in 1956. Graudation candidates for the ceremony included the fol– lowing: Leake County Eric Lee Adcock, Christie Dawn Allen , Shannon Nicole Brown , Rhonda Chipley Burns. Jacqueline '< Can Trav1s ca·n Enc Lamont Cz.~ es ~..,·,o~ ..... ason Greer ::l :; ~ c -.tte··
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Ca.,.-a;e ==a-: a =c-~e =e"g...- son Dorott'ly Ann Graffree. Harry Hartman Holliman, Kitty Marie Thrash, Laura Shay Thornton and Brad Underwood, all of Walnut Grove; Beverly Jean Chambers, Lori W. Gunn, Cindy Presley, Jen– nifer Michelle Shows , Timothy \1\lo\tf"'\1"\ Thl'\n'\ne-1'\n r'h,.it"'ttnnh"""
Montrose Lauderdale County:
Susan Anita George, Katrina Gail Joyner, Stephen Ray Smith , and Joe Marshall Williams, all of Collinsville, and Shawn Deray Ben– der, Edward Perry, Stephanie D. n: -L.. t - • ·- _ • •• - • .. •
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