as Central has
year of accomplishment and Elizabeth Pitts {vocational– tec hnical). Also honored \\ere Homer Hunter of Decatur. rcupi– ent of a Lifetime Achievcmcnl Award,. and lnngt1nH! Englis~ instructor 0\id Vider" wht' received special rccognitiun tlur· ing Arts and Humannic-. t\1nnth . During the summer, East Central graduated its first class of surgical technology students and began offering the associate degree nursing program during this past fall semester. Also in the fall, ECCC announced that the college program of study along with licensed practica l nursi ng and child development technology. Activitiei> in the fall began with the announcement the college had a record enrollment of 1482 stu– dent!> \\ hich i>Urpassed the previ– ou marJ... ol 1451 set during the 1994 spring term.
East Central al'o completed tht re11ovation of LeaJ...e Hall anl began construction of a One-Sto~ Career Center The ne\\ facilit) 1: a result of the Mbsiss1pp Workforce EducatiOn Act of lc.J9- which provides for the construe tion of c.areer centers at all the state's community and junior col leges. The center'> \>vere formed t< offer a variety of servi~.-cs tor arc; businesses, industrie<> and schools The center is scheduled to be com pleted in March 1995.
The college honored several outstanding individual s during its annual homecoming celebration: who included Paul Breazeale. Alumnus of the Year. of Jackson: Jane Todd Curry, Alumna of the Year, Raleigh , N.C.: Athletic Hall of Fame inductee Charlene Jones Bates of Fore t, Charlie Hope of Sharpsburg, Ga. and the late Malcolm "Puddin'' Jones of Decatur: and instructors of the Year Al icr PnnnC'~v (academic)
bas arecordenrollment of ti82 students which surpassed the previous mark of1,451.
ch,mman of the d vision of :;ci– cncc and mathematics, who r<::Lcl\ed appointment to the Board of Direcwrs of the Mississippi/ I nui~i a na Secuon of the Mathematics \~~ociation of America. Officials from East Central also participated in Gedication cere– monies held in July for the Community Cc lege Network (CCN), a tot... .ly interactive tclccommunicau ns system link– Ing the state's .. ommunity and junior college'. University Medical Cen,er and the \li\Sissippi Cooperative Exten!>ion Sen ice at Mississippi State Universit~ Also durin= the summer months ECCC : duated its first cla)\s of -.urgh.~ cchnology stu– dents and hcgan ffcnng the asso– ciate degree n m.; program in the fall ...cme,ter Plans were later
truct an AJI ied i-"u"e the pre- mc:ntio=;:~ ea.th-related
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