MorrO\\ v.a-. a ' ~.ond tate p1h.her for the Warr r-.. S udcnu, named
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A<.ademic (3.6 GPA or better) and !heir re-.pcctt\C -.pons included Newton County High School product Mark Fanning (baseball) of Hickory, Winston Academy graduate Clay Ward (basketball) of Louisville. Neshoba Central's Brandon Gray ( baseball ) of Union and Carla Leflore (basketball) of Carthage. No doubt the sports highlight of the year occurred when the Lady Warrior ha~ketball team defeated Pearl River for the Region 23 championship and a berth in the NJCAA Tournament in Tyler, Texas. After losing a close-contest in first-round action, the ECCC women rebounded for three straight victories and claimed the Consolation Championship. The Lady Warril rs. \.\. ho were ranked seventh in the nation following rhe week-long competition. ended the season with A 28-7 record. Honor were also presented to head coach Sammy Pace who wa named Outstanding Women's Basketball Coach from Region 23 and was voted MACJC Women's Basketball Coach of the Year. He ~as also selected Community College Women's Basketball Coach of the Year by The Clarion– Ledger. Post-season honors were also awarded to several lady Warriors, with Rena Reed of Forest gai ning !he most recogni– rion. Reed was chosen second team All-American. All Region 23. All-State and All Star She \\a' also named to the ~JC -\A ..nd AII-Amencan~
mmunll) enrollment on-.e again
re ed a record level. Ea t Ccntral'!i Theta Xi Chap1er Ph1 Theta Kappa was recog– ued as a Di,ungu•shcd Chapter b) the lntl.'rnauonal honor society f 1\\0-)C.Ir col leges ~ hich desig– nated tht· FCCC organitation as one ol' tht• top 25 chapters in the nallon The college previously rccciv~d ri\1.' Star recognition, PTK 's highe'>l honor. BOLh span- or' ol the t.asl Central chapter, Ann RurJ.;cs and Dr. Shelby Barn... arc also former recipients of Ouhlanding Advtsor awards. Anolhcr honor pre~enled by Phi Thl'ta Kappa was the selecrion of lhen 'ophomorc Ci ndy Callahan of Fore'St a' ·• reciptent of rhe pres– ltgtOU!) Gut ... l\\ hite Scholarship, whtch j, a\\ardcd annually to onl) 10 )1\udcnh nation~tde. C.tllahan. a producl of Scott Ccn1ral H tgh School. received cn'h '1ipcnd' of $5,000 each to finance h
the dedication of the Harrison Memorial Garden. named in mem– ory of Crystal and C.J. Harrison. children of ECCC in~tructor Ri cky Harrison and his wife Jancan, who were killed in an automobile accident in 1993 ncar their home in the Little Rock com– munity. The picturesque area. located between Burton Library and the Bradford J. Tucker Applied Technology Center. is a popular gathering place for col– lege personnel and students. A TO\\- o r Bradford pear tress has alr.;o been planted ncar the base– ball field ' in memory of the Harri son children. Sc' eraI college personnel held various positions of leadership during 199-L among ,.,.hom tnclud– cd Dr. Eddie M. Smith. college president. who served as president of the Southern Association of Community, Junior and Technical Colleges (SACJTC). The organi– tation is affiliared with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) whose mem– bership included community and juntor colleges located tn II state' and Pucrt) Rico Dr Smith so o;ef\ ed as prc-.idcnt f \1 "i 1pp1
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