...-----~.- Campus life
ECphoto Basketball cheerleaders at East Central Community College for the 1994-95 season ·nclude (kneeling from left) Ronda Jones of Forest' Dawn Sharp of Philadelphia, Amberly Bounds of Newton and (standing from left) Jennifer Thomas of Philadelphia, Kristen Barnett of Decatur and Mandy Goldman of Ph1ladelph1a. Palani Edmondson of Lake 1s Warner Chief mascot. Kelly Bndgman serves as sponsor
lC pho to Students representing Lauderdale Coumy schoo:s who are members of the 1994-95 East Centra n ty College March1r:g Band include (from eft = ~co ey and Roderick Johnson. both of Mend a a d t: ar.oe Crenshaw of Southeast Lauderda e The 3a-a is directed by Thomas W. Car:son
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