ECCC Announces Homecoming Honoree Alumni Association officials at East Central Community College have announced the selection of out– standing instructors, alumni of the year, and new members of the col– lege's Athletic Hall of Fame who will receive special recognition dur– ing Homecoming activities sche– duled Saturday, October 15, 1994, on theDecaturcampus. instructor Ovid Vickers who plans to retire following the 1994-95 term. Mr. Vickers, now in hts 40th year at East Central, is being recognized during Arts and Humanities Month, an activity sponsored by the Missis– sippi Humanities Council. He will present a program on "Southern Folklore" at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 14, in the Fine Arts Center auditorium. There is no charge for admission and the public is invited to attend this special presentation. - Newton Hall, Room 105 (Second Floor); Class of 1964- Library Con– ference Room; Class of 1954 - Fine Arts Center (Music Library); Class of 1944 --Golden Anniversary (Fine Arts Center Auditorium; and Class of 1934 - Diamond Anniversary (Fine Arts Center Lounge). begins at 12 noon m Mabr) ial Cafeteria, follo\\ed b~ the Hinds football game at 2 Warrior Stadium. The of the Queen and her COl::l made during halftime Members of the 1994 Court include Queen Forest; Maid of Honor Moore, Philadelphta;
Additional reunion meetings are planned for members of the 1946, 1947 and 1948 Warrior football teams, who will meet in Newton Hall, Room 60, and former Home– coming queens/football sponsors are scheduled to gather in Newton Hall, Room 90. In addition, all fOrmer members of Phi Theta Kappa are encouraged to meet in Newton Hall, Room92. A meeting of all former athletes and supporters of ECCC athletics is scheduled at 11 a.m. in Newton Hall, Room 60. During this Lime represen– tatives of The Warrior Club will pnr vide an update of contributions received along with additional information. l 1'he annual Alumni Luncheon
Honorees include Mrs. Alice Pouncey of Decatur, Academic Instructor of the Year; Mrs. Eli- 7.abeth Pitts of Union, Vocational– Technical Instructor of the Year; Paul Breazeale of Jackson, Alumnus of the Year; the Rev. Jane Todd Gur– ry ofRaleigh, North Carolina, Alum– na of the Year; and Athletic Hall of Fame inductees Mrs. Charlene Jones Bates of Forest, Charlie Hope of Sharpsburg, Georgia; and the late Malcolm (Puddin') Jones of Decatur. Also being honored is Homer Hunter of Decatur, recipient of this year's Lifetime Achievement Award, and longtime English
Activities on Homecoming day begin with a 51<. Run at 8 a.m. at the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building parking lot Registration for alumni and guests is scheduled from 9-10 a.m. at the Sullivan Student Center. Various reunion groups are expected to gather beginning at 10 a.m., incuding graduates of all clas– ses ending in "4". Classes being rec– ognized and meeting locations include: Class of 1994 - Newton Faculty Lounge; Class of 1984 - Library Reading Area; Class of 1974
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