WEEK OF 5 -~ ~ -C-

Choctaws take both NAVO Both the boys a nd girls basketball teams composed of players from Choctaw Central captured championships in the ;\atJve American Youth Organizauon tournament recently in New Yor k. SPORTS with Marty Stamper

School for four years. Casey graduated from Holmes Junior College and got his BS degree at Mississip– pi State. His contract at Ethel expires June 15. Ca sey follows Steve Moorehead who res igned after one year as head coach of the Yellow J ackets. Union went 1-9 in 1993, beating only Clarkdale. Casey a lso becomes Union's fourth hea.d coach in a four-yea r span. The Yellow Jackets haven' t had a winning season since 1985. Casey began his spring practice in Union Monday. • Burnside men's softball Saturday: A men's Class C softba lJ tournament is set for Sa turday at Burnside Park. Entr y fee is $90. For more information, contact Alvin Alexander a t 986-5279. • Any place beats home: Both the

The girls defeated the Seneeas Semin– oles, Ripley . a nd Cherokee ::\ C to reach the finals \\here they again defeated Cherokee. this time b~ a 56-4-t marg in. The boys defeated the Mohawks. Chero– kee, Seminoles. and Hurricanes to reach the championship game" here they agam knocked off the Hurricanes The Hur– ricanes were also from MisslSSippi • Casey takes his turn at bat: Ricky Casey, 39. has been named head football coach at Union. Casev leaves Ethel where his 1993 team went 10:2, but missed out on the state playoffs with D1vision 3-lA losses to Durant and French Camp.

Ethel defeated Hamilton, 14-0, in a bowl game. Other victims included Edinburg (26-6), McAdams (30-6) , Winona 04-12) , Weir {19-6), N.C. George (27-6), Thomastown (33-12), Ackerman (21-15 ), Noxapater (24-6), and Sturgis (18-0) . Prior to his four years at Ethel, Casey was head basketball coach at SAKS High School in Alabama for eight years and bead basketball coach at Dura,nt High

Vo-tech director to be honored on retirement Harry Carter, director of the Philade lpfiia– Neshoba County Vocational-Technical Center, will be honored Tuesday, May 10 bn his retirement. Carter will retire in June following a 36-year career in public education. A reception will be from 3:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. in First Baptist Church fellowship hall. Friends and former students are invited. Carter has served as the oniy director of the vo-tech center, a division of East Central Com– munity College, since it was established in 1983. He previously ta ught industrial arts , mechanical drawing and diversified occupa– tions at Philadelphia High School where he was employed for almost 22 years. He began his career in edu~ation at Cleveland High School where he Taught in 7 dustrial arts from 1959 to 1961. In addition, Carter is a U. S. Navy veteran, having served in the electrical division from 1951 to 1955.


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