basketball champio
o Cubs and l\lJssiss1ppi State ~~-~"'b·!> m·c having little success at their baseball d1amonds this spring Cubbies were 0-10 at Wrigley Field h Sunday. Then again, what else ~ou e.xpccl from a team that ac– Anlhony
been too great • ecce sottba!J regional : The East College softball tea s1x-team slate J tournament last Albany. Itawamba while Jones was s The Ladv Warriors ca four-team Reg10n 23 in Meridian. The Lad) to 1\leridian and !1-5 to J ECCC finished with a - Meridian advances to tiona! tournament m Lake Lady Eagles are 54·10. Ita~ cond and Jones came m th Only four states - M Alabama. Georgia, and Flo compete in the natiOnal slO\\ namenl.
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