WEEK 0r Local basketball players sign scholarships

• ECCC gets most signees, whi le Philly's Antwan McAfee inks with Jackson State. By MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports edrtor .\ltt·r lim~hmg seventh in the \.JC\A national tournament thl!> past spring. East Central Commumty College women's ha~ketball coach Sammv Pace ha~ ah·cad\ added lour new player~ ihree lrom the im mt•tl!att• arl'a to next \ear's :O.{JUJeshoba Central poml guard Christy :\lad1son. s1gned scholarships \\ 1th f:C('(' last week (;t•nu·~ meraged 111 ~ pomts ht•r ...cn1or H'ar a~ the Hehelet– ll'!-o \\l'lll ':li-1 and won the :\<:adem\ AA state and Academv 0\·erall.championships. · By avcragmg 1:1.:! points dur– ing her AA slate champi,mship :-:ophomore year and 18.7 points dunng lwr /\A ~late and Overall rumwrup junior ~cason. Gentry mm·t•d mto second place on Leak('s career scoring list \\'llh 1.!1-l!l pomts. She scored a career high ol 36 pc>mts agamsl \\ayne Academy th1s past st'a!>on (;t•ntr~ was a Clarion·L<•d~:er honorablt• mentton all-state pick this past season. During her three years in the starting lnwup. the Hebelettes were w.·>·ll ,\le>xander ave1·aged 6.3 points hrr st•mor vear at Leake. She had a t·areer high of 1:1 points agam~t both Jack~on Prep and C'anton Academy this past -.t•ason Alexander averaged 5.3 points as a jumor (;cntrv and Alexander both partlctpatt>d m the Academy AA– AAA r\11-Star game. :\ladison averaged 5.7 points dunng her senior year lor the 2:i-!) Lady Rockets of Neshoba Central. She had a season-high ol 15 points against Carthage alter tallying a career-high 17 pomts against :\Iadison Central hl•r jumor ~ear She a\·eraged 6.2 pmnt~ as a JUnior. :\ladl:son had a season-high nu1e assists against i\ewton County in the finals of the ~eshoha Central Invitational. ECCC's other female signee as or Sunda~· is Chasity 13ounds .,, .&.... yy J..VL.'f l'\...LVVI\.U CLARION-LEDGER


Antwan McAfee of Philadelphia s1gned a basketball scholarship w1th Jackson State. ol \t•\\ ton County ..\eadem\ Bound~ played in the Academ~ \ \ll-Star game. earnmg :\1\'P ho110r~ for the South squad Antwan :\kAfce signed with Jackson Stall• University after averaging :!:! ti pointl> his senior year for the 10 Ill 'Jilrnadoes :\It-Alee averaged 1!.1.4 and l!J.2 po1111s during his sophomore and JUllHH' years respectively The ·nwnadoes \\ent 29-1 and won the ( 'lo~ss 2A state champtonshtp clunng hts junior season :\k.\lee scored LAA9 pomts clunng h1~ lmal three seasons and had O\ cr 2.100 points for his lour·vcat· career. In ·his last 93 games. McAfee scored in double figures 88 t1mes. lit' was named The Meridian Stw ' Plaver of the Year this past sea.son and was an honm·able mention all-state !->l'll'CIIOn by The Clarion-Ledger. Other ECCC men signees are tHoot-5 forwa rd Stewart Glass and 6-foot-2 guard Jamie Suttles ol :-\oxapater. 6·foot·3 guard Bob· Philadelphia's

Chnsty Mad1son (seated) of Neshoba Central signed a basketball scholar– Ship w1th East Central Commumty College last week. Also pictured are (stan– d•ng from left) her parents Lmda and Ronald Madison and NCHS coach Bill Sm1th


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by \'ivcrette ol South Leake. and te sse 4"o"' -• "'H ti loot-:i forwa rd Milton Hillie 11ud•a An1 •w I rom Lake. UOI~ u<>•O"H ·~, •0 As expected. ECCC's 6-foot-7 ~·•e<><9 POO'·'", lu·st-team AU-American Marcus ••ud•a pooMu., :\Iann mked with ~tississippi ·~ "' "btN< "'•o \'allev State. while 6-foot-5 War- • ~ " "'N s• • 'H nor 'teammate Anthom· Col- 1111019 ouo6uo, l'I11Uil signed with Arkansas 1\ I ol'!l ~uJ..•M O;Q Stall' .\ third member ol last , ,,.;::!gc;~ , •. nn ~t·ar·-. 2:1-5 squad - 5-loot-11 "''dea u•H ••Jn., guard Eric :\!organ - stgned ""' eunoA '"'"''r \11th Youngstown State. ECCC >b• 9~9 .ooH " >lj \\ (1:00 -17·13 during the trio'S l\\'0 llildOQ adOH ~'l'ars v·~ •tlPUPI'd seJ~,:) 9 9S9 l>ijdiOPtl 4d 6 1\:j IS!IdiQ UIH 'l61H

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