Near perfect effort lifts Jones to win overECCC DECATUR - r n the unlike– liest of conditions .Jonec: County J unior Colleg~ played a near-perfect game against East Central. The Bobcab got a complete gam e sh utout from Brian Abadie, did not mnke an error· in the field and added ::.omc highlight-reel catche,::, in defeating the Warrior-. 2-0 Tuesday at JCJC, The game, which was played for the most part under· a s t eady drizzle. was sched– uled to be the first of a double– header, but the "econd game was rained out. . " \Ve got a tremendously– pitched game, and the defense did t hei r part too," Jones coach Bobby Glnze said. ··It was j ust a good. solid baseball game." Jones improved to 12-25 011 the season. 5-10 m the South Dh·ision. The Warrior" are 18- 14, 9-6 in the South. ECCC didn't exactly embar– rass themseh·es a" losing pitcher David Cox :-otruck out eight Bobcat batters in five innings of work. The Warrior defense also played an error– le:-os game. ··I felt good about the wa.} we played." ECCC coach J a111ie Clar k said. 4'hat little guy (Abadie> 1s good. Our k d £.o ,. ' . ' !td;; uuA:;; l,-..t , , . , , SL '91 LCI'9L-V 9<: 10JIIIO '0(: en~di9P811~d -SiOOI itiiO.L (OI J81URH) (:(: IIOJ190 (8 SUI~M8Q) 6C eo~diiiPVII~d -SIS SSV ·(c!l Sll'ffi L~ I•OJIIIQ '(01 uoodSJG41811M) 09 tl14di•P•I•4d- spunoqa1:1 By Aaron Derr The Merrdian Star

with 26 t h e next day in two games aga inst Itawamba. But Clark said neither he nor his t eam is discouraged by Tuesday's game. "Everybody was upbeat on the bus n de home," he -said. "We played a good game. They

Cont1nued from page 10 clutch situations ," he said . "We've had a lot of games where we out-hit the other team in los– ing efforts. Now we're bunching our hits together." For ECCC, the game was quite different from recent con– tests The W an-iors had 2~ hits Saturday in a doubl eheade r against Hinds then bettered that

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