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East Central Announces Sprinlfm! ester Honor Roll Students n::uned to the 1993 spring semester honor roll have been announced at East Cemral Community Col– lege in Decatur, accordmg to Raymond McMullan Director of Admissions, Records and Research h. ' McMullan said the college honor roll includes stu– dents selected on the President's List, Dean's List and those receiving Honorable Mention recognition. The President's List includes students with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Those named to the Dean'sList earned a 3.5 grade poimaverage or above, and students chosenon the Honorable Mention List achieved at least a 3.0 grade point average. Studentsnamed to each list and thei rplace ofresidence include the following: PRESIDENTS LIST: Jacob Lamar Addy, Jennifer .gh An~erson, Audrey D. Clark, Rhonda Loper, ffin, JaruceLynnMills, Brandi Crystal Parkes,Christy Pterce, Stacey Denise Smith and Christopher Lee ears. all of Decatur; Luis C. Ayllon, Hickory; Pa in'ler Chisolm, Tommy R. Cummings, Justin 1Q her, Deborah Oark French, Kimberly Joan Goss, Christopher Lopez. Polly Faye Spivey and James vid Terrell, all of Union; Lynnetta Carol Cooksey, Diaru~a Mitchell Gibbs, both ofLake; John Marl~rl an,. Mtchael Wayne Dearing, Mary Ann Jone:J mte Jean Jones, Monica Sherrclle Logan, David ed Pitts, Connie 0 . Pruitt, Kevin Dewayne Thweatt Marvin Dewitt Walker, all of Newton; Shelia F. Dill, Little Rock; and Jessica Jillene Myers, nehatta. DEAN'S LIST: Randy Lamar Anderson, Frances Darnell Isaac and Christopher Willis, all of Conehatta; Tracy Rena Blackburn, James M. Crapse, Jason Avery Mangum, FranklinToddMcLelland, AmyTeresaPace, Nick Alan Pouncey, Rebecca Bell Savell, Deborah Blum Stamper and Rebecca -Milling Stevens, all of Decatur; James David Brown, Lawrence; Larry Burkhalter, DebraLynDean, Dianne H. Douglas,Renee Marie Jones, Jennifer Rebecca Loper, Vanesa Lynn McKee, Charles Larry Miller, Mark Allen Nonnan Lisa Deshun Walker and Keshu Lushun Wash, all of Newton; Jason Charles Cain, Chunky; Tammy L. Fe 'ckory;
Stephanie V ony Hancock, Ja– son Wayne Laird, Robbie Earl Pierce, Velma Smith Rainer and Kevin Lee Smith, all ofUnion; and Gregory T. Parker and Karen Sue White, both of Little Rock. -HONORABLE MENTION: Lcslcy Nicole Adams, Stacy Kay Brooks, Tracy Gene Brooks, Chad Edward Chapman, J. C. Lamar Collins, Amy Elizabeth Garvin, Ray Lynn Girard, Eric Demond Goodman, Donald M. ~ollingswonh, Gloria Brown Kuespcrt, Jay F. Pippiu, Richard S. Shoemake and Shawn Nicole West, all of Newton; PeterMichael Anderson, Carol TuckerBarren. ammy Denise Grant, David Lamar Hillman, A al Johnson and Leslie Anne Lang, all of Coneh a: Al Pace Bailey, Mario M. Brown, Stephen W Burton, Robbie E. Dearing, Sue Butts Hall,Hazel Leann MCMullan, Teresa Jones McNair, Sidney Leon McNCif,' Mercend LeighMoore, Angela LeeOzborn, Amy Clairc Service and Richard Edward Walker, all of Dec.ttur, Marian Dennis Blalock, Lee B. Eady and Lamonjca La trice Harris, all ofLawrence;TrumanWayne Bras.; ..r H. Graham Carleton, Rachel Tatum Chesney, David Lee Ezell, John A. Franklin, Kevin E. French, Marsha D. Graham, JimmyBrandonGray, HeatherDeeanne Jones, Melissa A. Jordan, Bryan Lee Miley, Justin Wade Phillips,ThomasDwight Pilgram, ChristopherS. Smith, Monte Lee Suggs, Tammy Savell Williams and Gerald D. Wolverton, all of Union; Rickey Eugene Crooke. Cindy Faye Herrington, Constance A. Hiu and William AndrewParker, all ofLittle Rock; AngelaDawn Crosby, Lake; and Rebecca.&oo Everc.U.J~s Mark Fanning, Tracey L)'1Il Hudn.lll, Cara Rcnae ~'atlock, Jay Steven Mills and 7 0illii\); ~n ~ 'il on. of Hickory.
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