EC s 20-win plateau
behind champion Gulf Coast at 11-1. East Central, 20-4 over– all, is the only league team to beat Gulf Coast this season. :) Hinds was led by Terrancy Williams' 23 points. 1 EASTCENTRAL(111)-Eric M;;..13, Lulher Riley 4, Tc.rry Thamu I4, Milk ~W bling II. MaMil Nuh 7, TyroneBcnder3•X.!' vin Kennedy 12.Tony Bailey 21,TyroneStow· en 16, Michael Jamea 8, Vandy Hopscn 2. IIINDS (101)- Randy Catter I l,Nie4 Wlulley 22. Conca DuM 8,Teaance Willi~"Jll 23, Irving Williams 17, Michael Thom~ ~. Robert Davis I I. I llalnimescore lllnds, 5._46 • JONES 99, PEARL RIVER 83: The Bobcats got 23 points from Justin White and another 19 from former Wayne County star Joseph Cooper to take their
Fromstaff reports East Central Community College gamed its 20th win of ...,me season Thursday rught, with a 111-101 win over Hinds in a (ea junior college basketball ' action. The Warriors had six players _in_doublc-figures and another _ wil.h eight points. Tony Bailey led the way with 21 points. "We came out and took the lead right off the bat," said ECCC coach Jay Bowen. "We were able to stretch the lead out to aboutlO. and it ended up be– ing about and eight or 10-point lead most of the second half." The win gives East Central sole possession of second place in South Division play. The Warriors arc 1 0~2 m the league,
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Continued from 2B
seventh Soulh Division win. "We were real sluggish in the first half, but about the last five minutes we picked it up a litlle bit," Jones coach Marc Dukes said. "We were able to get a little lead, and it was ab– out five or eight points until about lhe last eight mirtutes." Jones, 18-8 overall, led by three at the half. JO"'ES (99) - Justin White 23, Joseph Cooper 19, Eric Jones 16, Outs Keeton 14, Wyatt Sterling 11, Scott McCullogh 9, James Harris 7. PEARL RIVER (83) - Jimmy Coats 25, Kendell Legette 19, Gerald Toller 17, Gam&l Wilson 12. Charles Parker 10. llatnlme Score: Jones, 45-42 Rtrords: Jones 18·8, 7-5 • JONES WOMEN 60, PEARL RIVER 57: The Lad> Bobcats watched Pearl Rwer bolt from the gate, taking an eight-point lead. But Jones rallied and trailed just once, 52-51, in the second half. The n .
Lady Bobcats improve to 20-6 overall, and 9-3 - second place - in .the South Division. Pam Davis led the winners with 22 points. Teresa Evans and Angie Tho– mas chipped in 10 each. JO:\ES (60) - Tereaa Evana 10, Sharonda. Ke~ 2. Angie Thomu 10, Unda Bourne 5, Sbanua Luci:at 7, Felicia Taylor I, Pam Davis 22. PEARL RIVER (57)- Sabnna Youngblood 8, Tan· jala Piuman I, Wendy Palmer 18, Sandy Bryan 12. Me· Iissa Adama S, Gwen lluru 2. Edith Pcdclclea.u II. llaiRime Score: Jones, 34·31 • ITAWAMBA LADIES 79, MERI– DIAN 77: The Lady Indians stung the Lady Eagles with their second loss in three games. Natasha Johnson led Meridian with 24 points, but Rancee Pringle was held to just six by Itawamba. Meridian trailed by as much as 20 points, before rallying to lie Jhe game in the second half. r fi'l\ ?I • u £
MJ:RIOIA:-o: (17)- Debra Wells 12, Allisan ?»kKin· nis 4, Pam Burnett I, Dana Dowiea 2, Hazel Temple 5, Naush• Johnson 24, Tyberia Riley 19. Gn:LC:hun Thed· forJ 4, Rancee Pringle 6 IT\WA\IBA (79) - Holly Williams 3, Marsha Kemp 14, N «ole Lias 13, T J. Ba.nks 20, Belinda 'eWIUI I '2. Ltmnda Hollin 4, Calhy Stan"' 6, 1 Ui · ncn 7 llaiRimt Score: lta\>amba, S0-40. lH • 1\JERIDIAN 87, H AWAM A 78: The Eagles got a strong game ~) 1 Lou1s Lumpkms with 21 points. flt:rr:, man Myers added 13 and ll rc bounds, and Martin Lee had l.. A J 0 URl\,-\1_ ___ WI NSTO:.J COUNTY ~IER I D I AN STAR ~ESHOBA DEMOC RAT :-.JE \1/TON RECORD - -- CLARION - LEDGER ·----- ---- -
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