JUNIOR COLLEGE Gulf Coast coach credits depth
prett~ good." Winning at the wire: Holme~· Lad) Bulldog;., coached b.> Honnie Aid), t•aptured the North title by beating then-division leader Coa– homa G4 61 at Clarksdale Monday aml ba~hing East 91-50 at Good– man Thu~da). Kim Wingard had 2.; to lead tht: Lady Bulldogs' rout ofEast. Coahoma, which looked to be in good l-hape at the start of the week, took itself out by losing to Delta 85- 8:.! at Moorhead Wednesday. Holmes finished 9-3 to Coahoma's 8-4. Copiah-Lincoln's women, ranked seventh last week de:.pite losing three oftheir last six games, held on tor the South championship despite losing to ,Jones County 83-70 at Wesson Monday. Jones needed to beat Co-Lin by 16 or more to have a shot at the title. The Ladv Wolves than made the point differentiaJ a moot is~ue by beating Southwest 57-fi~ Thursday as Shannon Mont– gomer.> scored 19 points. Co-Lin finished 10-2, Jones 9-3. Fire it up: Ifthe state league gave a Freshman of the Year Award, :-..orthwe~t 's Ced r ic Matt h ews would be a strong candidate after the wav he closed out tht• regular 0 ~ ::.cason. Matthews, a 6-footer from South– aven, averaged 37.0 points in lhe Rangers' last three games, includ– ing a 46-point outburst in an 87-82 up,et win over Itawamba last Mon– day. Odds and ends: Meridian's men clamped down on the Miss-Lou Conference title by whipping Delga– do (La.) 77-69 two weeks ago. Greg
By Mike Christensen Cladon·laelgar S~tf Wrlt.r
When Bob Weather sift, through the pa,"t, a lot of du t get::– slirrcd up. He\. been the men·~ coach at Mj,.,j,...,jppi Gulf Con:-t Community College for I )Car:-. Weather, ,.top:- hort of declaring the current Bulldog.... team the bc::-t he's had. But thi:- much j .... dear: Gull Coa.... t b prett) clam good. Tht•Bulldogs are ranked 17th in the nation. They are 2-1-3 o\·erall and 11-1 in the South Dh·bion of the :.tate league. They are the de– fending ~.JCAA Region ~3 champs and c;oJicl favorite:. to repeat. Two pla~ers c;i!,.'lled early \\ith nationally ranke(l :o-:CAA Di,-i,.,ion I teams, and at !ea--t one more .,.,;11 sign Di\;– ~ion I in April. "This tt•am has a lot of talent,., 'cather 'aid. "I don't rcallv know ~here it y,ould rank (with his best). We've had good talent before. We do haw ~orne depth on thi" team that we ha\'cn'thad in the past. As far as starling fiye:;, we\·e had some as good as this one. But I will saywe've got more depth than we've ever had." All five slartel"' average in double fi gures. led by 6-foot-~ Kentucky signee Dale Brown at Hl poims a game. Fre:;hman guard Robcn Polk average~ 16. 6-6 sophomore forward Chris Black 16 and 6-7 Nebraska signee Patrick Hawthome and 6-8 sophomore Derrick Gallien about 10 each. The team's leading re– bounder is 6-6 freshman Maurice Stephens. who averages 10 a game ofT the bench. The Bulldogs tuned up for the di– vision tournament, which starts Monday at Poplarville, by bashing Hinds 114-83 and Delgado (La.) 100-69 lasl week. "\\"hen we shoot well, we dowell," Weathers said. "\\ie always play pretty good defense and rebound
Puckering led Meridian with 23 lastweek.TheWildcats,downtosix points.... Pearl River's best two healthy bodies at one time, lost players, 6-5 sophomore Gerald Ir- twice. In an 84-72 defeat at home to ving and 6-6 freshman Stephon Ma- East Central. Pearl River u~ed five son, were dismissed from the team players to the Warriors'l2.
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