East Centr81's'.~Uphoria spoiled by Jones County
• The Warriors lost to the Bobcats after knocking off nationally ranked Gulf Coast.
JUNIOR COLLEGES last week, were looking like a threat. to run away from the pack. Co-Lin h~ climbed to No. 3 in the national poll and was within 17 points of top-ranked manuel, Ga. . But now the Lady Wolves are woun ed. Top scorer and rebounder Tanill Jones, a 5-8 sophomore, is out forth~ year after knee surgery. Without her,(' Lin lost twice last week - 77-71 to nour divi s ion foe Coahoma and 65-62 fb Hinds. I At 6-2, Hinds is within a game of t~p South lead. Co-Lin, 17-2 overall, is 7 ~· "It's going to be a lot tougher from ht;!tf on out," Co-Lin coach Gwyn Young said. Call him Colonel: Southwest soph By Mike Christensen Clarion-Ledger Stall Writer It"s a jungle out there in the state ju– nior college league, as East Central's \\'arriors can attest. ..,. Fh'e days after upsetting nationally ranked Gulf Coast to climb into a tie for the South Di\ ision lead, Eas t Central waR taken down a peg by Jones County. Sophomore guard Stanley McCollum !:>Cored 18 point!> lo leadthe Bobcats to an 81-74 ,·ictory :\londay at Ellisville..Jones was then blown out 88-61 by Gulf Coast on Thursday. Gulf Coast. ranked 18th last week, is 20-3 overall and in command in the South with an 3 -1 record. But East Central. 16-4 and 6 2, re– mains a force to he reckoned with, says Gulf Coast coach Bob Weather-s. "They've got a good club. an experienced club,'' he said. ".Jay (Bowen) does a good job with them." Bowen, in his second year, has gone to a strength-in-numbers strategy that seems to be paying off. He tries to get all 13 ofhis players into the game in the first IJ half. "Our players enjoy it: our practices are Yery enjoyable because everybody knows they'll play;· Bowen said. '"And by the end of the game. our ..;t.aners are fresh. 1 \Ve've won some games be\:au,..e of that." Tyrone Stowers. a 6-foot-5. 210-pound 1 sophomore who has :>igned with NCAA Division II Livingston, leads the tE•am in scoring at 14 points a game. ;'\lichael James, 6-8, a former Ole Mis:-- ;,ignec now committed to Georgia State, and 6-2 sophomore guard Kevin Kennedy are other key contributors. The hunt Ia on: Copiah-Lincoln'~ Lady Wolves. undefeated at the stnrrot APPEARED IN : l/ CARTHAG INIAN SCOTT COU~TY THIES, U~IO~ APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURXAL ~IER I D L'-\N ST:\R )lORTOt\ TR I BUi\E .'.J ESHOBA DHJOCR,..,A'""f-– NEWTO:--J RECORD CLARIO~ - LEOGE=R-V'~- ------- -------
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