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ruoo t>nU1 ~~ 11 r Warriors take big win over host Hinds, 95-89
guard him. He made seven 3-poin– ters, and he made some long-range 3s with hands in his face. He's re– ally a nice player." East Central now readies for 19th-ranked Gulf Coast at home. The Bulldogs beat the. Warriors 89-72 in Perkanston earlier this year. "GulfCoast is 6-0 in the confer– ence, and we' re 5-0. We're play– ing for first place. They are by far the best team in the state, and I don't know if anybody can beat them. But if we beat them here, we '11 have a chance for some na– tional attention," Bowen said. ECCC (95)- Eric Mays 2,Terry Thames II, Mark Stribling I 9, Marvin Xash 2, Charlie Donner· aon 6, Kevin Kennedy 20, Tony Bailey 4, Tyrone Stowers 10, Michael James 10, Vandy llopsonS, J.P. Viverette 6. HL'\DS (89)- James eharl~ 7, N1coleWhitley 8, Corter p..n~ S, TerrJnce Williams 13, lrv•na ~illi•!nfdtlt' 1 f~HO'lr'~~ 8 tltim\Bt~s
From staff reoorts
The East Cemral Warriors got a big South Division. win, 95-8? , over Hinds Commuruty College m area junior college basketball ac– lioo Monday night. m "Any time you can go on the Iroad and win in our league, it's a cbig win," said East Centr~l co~ch Jay Bowen, whose Warnors tm- proved to 15-3 and 5-1 in the league. . IIWThis big win was tough 1n morning. East Central trailed by four •poims at the half, but ralhed to ,lake the lead at the 14-minute -mark. -o~"We thought that if we were in the game wilh five minutest? g?. that we had a chance to wm, Bowen said. "And with five mi– nutes to go we had our subs on the floor and were up by eight. We put our starters back in, and they were able to seal the victory." Hmds' Michael Thompson nearly scaled it for the Eagles. He led all scorers with 28 points. "We knew going in that he was a great shooter," Bowen said. "We sent three or four guys' APPEARED I\ : SCOTT COU~TY THIES_ _ _ UNIO~ APPEAL~~~~ WINSTO;-..J COUNTY JOUR:-JAL___ ~IERIDIAN STAR____ CARTHAGDJIA~.,...,..,.-~IORTO:--.J TRIBUNE~-- ~ESHOBA DE~lOCRAT ___ ~EWTON RECORD ~--- CLARIO~ - LEDGER _ _ _
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