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Distinguished Graduate E-6 Samuel C. Pace, FDC -Senior Computer, HHB/4th 114 FA, New– ton is the recipient of the MS Nation– al Guard Noncommissioned Officer Association Award and Distin– guished Graduate of the Advanced Noncommissioned Officer (AN'CO) Course 1-91 on March 29, 1991. Graduation ceremony was held at Camp Shelby by the MS Military Academy.
Col. Lee R. Reid Jr., Comman– dant, MS Military Academy pre– sented the award. Pace is married to the fonner Vir- ginia Barrett of Forest. He is the son of Maudean and Bertrand Pace of Lake. He has two children, Amy age 16 and Jennifer age 11. Prior to his military service he as a teacher/coach at East Central Com– munity College, Decatur. He graduated from Lake High School in 1967. He graduated from MSU with a degree in Biology and School Administration.
This Award is presented to the NCO Graduate with the highest overall ranking of the class. The ranking is based on both, academic and leadership standing.
HONORED FOR SERVICE • Certificates of appreciation were pre– sented to Dr. Richard c~ 'Ethridge (lett), social science Instructor and Chairman of the Division of Social Selence, Business, and Education at East Central CommunityCollege In Decatur, and Dr. Eddie M. Smith (right), college president, for their participation In a support rally for U.S. troops recently held In Decatur. Dr. Smith served as master of ceremonies during the support rally and Dr. Ethridge was the main speaker. Shown making the presentation Is Major Billy Pierce of the Mississippi National Guard. The certlfl· cates of appreciation were signed by Governor Ray Mabus and General Denver Brackeen who expressed appreciation for the educators' "outstanding support of the Armed Forces of the United States" and "patriotism and unselfish service" on behalf of American military personnel. (EC Photo)
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