Sutphin selected Dean of Instruction
enrollment increased each year. Before coming to East Central, Dr. Sutphin held various positions from 1980-88 at Concord College in Athens, West Virginia. Among his responsibilities were assistant direc– tor of srudent affairs, director of financial aid/veterans affairs, assis– tant . to the ~idem, and adjunct instructor. He earlier served as a graduate assistant and assistant to the Educa– tional Administration and Supervi– sion department chairman at Mem– phis StateUiversity. Dr. Sutphin began his educational career at Meridian High School where he was social science instruc– tor from 1970-74 and served as department chairman and instructor from 1974-77. During this time he was also a part-time political science instructor at Meridian Community College. A Mathiston, Mississippi native, Sutphin is a graduate of the old Mathiston Line Consolidated High School, Wood Junior College, Mis– sissippi State University, where he received bachelor's degrees in polit– ical science/history and secondary education/social sceince and a mas– ter's degree in political science and community college teaching, and Memphis State University, where he received a doctorate in educational administration and supervison with a concentration in higher education. He is married to the former Peggy Boyd of Grenada and they have two sons, Brad9, and Brent, 8. The Sutphins are members of Decatur United Methodist Church.
Or. Phil A. Sutphin Dr. Phil Sutphin has been selected dean of instruction at East Central Community College in Decatur, an– nounced Dr. Eddie Smith, college president Dr. Sutphin's employ– ment was approved by the college's board of trustees at its March 1991 meeting. Dr. Sutphin, 44, succeeds Dr. Brad Tucker who is retiring on June 30, 1991 following 30 years service as dean of instruction. When he retires, Dr. Tucker will have accu– mulated 42 years service in the field of education, with 40 of those years served on the Decarurcampus. Before being named to his new post, Dr. Sutphin has served as the college's dean of students. He came to East Central September 1, 1988, and will assume his new duties on July 1, 1991. As dean of srudents, Dr. Sutphin's main responsibility was recruiting and under his leadership srudent
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