1 East Central board selects Thomas to fill Yo-Tech post
The East Central Commuruty Col– lege board of trustees has approved the tempora r y employment of William R Bo' ' Thomas as metal t rades inst r uctor at the Philade lphia Neshoba County Vocallonai -Techmcal Center, which IS operated by the two-year in– s tttutton. Thomas, a Philadelphia resident, was named as a temporary replace– ment for Larry Dura n who was call– ed to military dut:r because of the Middle East cn sts The new m~l ructor has 33 years of \ttaldmg and machine shop ex– penence and 20 years of supervisory expenence m tool and dte operations at U . Motors from which he rehred tn .July 1~89 In otht•r matters, the bodrd gave approval tor the college to enter tn· an agreement With the Umversl– ' :\tedtcal Center to parttcipate in ~te"'1de Gertatric Educahon ilnter 'ITammg Network By agreemg to participate, Eas t tral, along with several other mumty/ Jumor colleges, w11l ~e as a resource center and train– l.acihty Concermng pohc1es and pro– cedures, the board approved the regulation of fund-raising activilles of college clubs and organizations. Any club or organization that seeks to raise money to suppor t ac– tivities of the group must receive prior approval from the dean of s tudents. In budget and finance matters, the board approved the fi nancial s tate– ment and docket of claims for December 1990 as presented by business manager Harvey Trapp. The board gave authorization for the college to establish a cafeteria insurance plan for employees utiliz– mg the admimstralive services of Coloma! Life and Accident In– surance Company and 1ts third part a dministrator, Benefit America. Tr'illJ~ a~o heard a report con– UUl
cerning fiscal year 1991 s tate budget reductions for vocational-technical programs as announced on Dec. 4, 1990. To reduce state vocational expen– ditures to compensate for a $2,383,213 reduction in state funds, various cost-cutting measures were set forth by the state superintendent of education. The money-saving measures in– cluded the non-reimbursement for travel expense for communi– ty/juruor college districts and secon– dary districts and a reduction in funding for the adult vocational pro– gram fundmg level to 75 percent of the fiscal year 1990 spending level Board members also agreed to f'ellJ! ject prev1ous b1ds rece1ved for 1 football field sprinkler system andl to re-advertise for btdl. to include modified spectficahons Bids were approved for the following : JC Heating and coolmg systems for> the old president's home, James H Massey Appliance Service1 $4,286.10 ; and printing of 200 self-study manuals, Nelson Pnnting of Newton, $1,802.50.
In the area of s tudent services a report was given by Dr. Phil Sutpbi dean of s tudents, who said the lege experienced an increase in a vance registration and will probabl> experience increases in new ap! plicattons and enrollment for tha i 1991 spring semester. Prior to the regular monthly meeting, new board members~ t introduced following a noon ru..:u cheon in Mabry Cafeteria The net trustees are Edsel Cltburn of th j McDonald community of Neshoba County and Dale Rogers of Walnut Grove m Leake County
Also in the area of budget and ~~~~~-~til finflnce, trustees approved an in· ,. crease in fees for adult evening vocational courses for the 1991 spring semester. Fees per CEU (continuing education unit) are now set at $12, instead of the previous amount of $8 per unit, which had been maintained for more than ftve years. ll
Concerning bwldmg and groun • a report was given on the statu- ,f the HB 3/SB 3192 Roofing Pro· ·d which is scheduled to be compl t on Aprill9
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