u::n~tan I '"'!"" toa ~.. . . Ill Harris, Burkes included in Who's Who publication East Central Community College mathematics instructor and head librarian Mrs. Ann Burkes have been selected for inclusion in the prestigious awards publication, "WHO'S WHO IN MISSISSIPPI," announced Chuck Lambert, chair– man of the publications honorary advisory board. Lambert said the professiOnal achievements and service in the field of education by Dr. Harris and Mrs. Burkes have distinguished themselves as predominant figures iff Massissippi. ' The entire advisory board joins t~ r~mily, friends and associates.of Dr 1 farriS and Mr.-:: "Burkes in exten– diflg our heart-felt congratulatiohs ai'id thanks for their unselfish con... tri •utions in helping make their community and state a wonderful place to live, work and play," he said "'WHO'S WHO IN MISSISSIPPI" is published in historic Monticello by former state representative Ted Lambert and family members and is comprised of personal biographical profiles summerizing outstanding achievements and honors attained by recipients of this special honor. Only a select number of Mississip– pians are chosen to annually appear m the publicatiOn. Admassion to the ehte gr(Wp pj predominant citizens is confine9 4> !.bosE! .Df noteworthy succesp~tlim their own fields of endeavor 9)t::lSq fnev sJeb e1om 1nl ,,.,~, JG
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