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OUTSTANDING HISTORY TEACHER. Mrs. Ann Burkes, Histo· rian of Bobashela Chapter, Mississippi Society, Daughters of the Ameri· can Revolution, presents a certificate to Larry French, American His· tory teacher at Decatur High School. French was named "Outstanding American History Teacher" by Bobashela Chapter as a part of the observance of February as American History Month. French's nomina– tion was then placed in competition against nominees from other chap– ters, and he was given an Honorable Mention Award for the Coastal Plains District, which includes DAR Chapters in Central and Eastern Mississippi from 1-20 to the Gulf Coa<;t. French was honored by BobilShela Chapter at its Februaf) meeting.
Appeared in:
Carthaginian____ ___
Neshoba Democrat___ _
:\.Jewton County .A.ppeal___
Scott County Times,___ _
Spirit of Morton_____ _
\t'Jinston County JoL:rr.al__
Meridian Star_______
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