\VEEK OF ._l'-_._:.........;_1__ 1 t-L-- ' .:::..l
ECCC Boardwelcomes newtrustees; basketball coach named
In the area of Buildings and Grounds, rcpon were given concern– ing the status of the Dormitory Renovation and Baseball Field Im– provement projects. Preliminary inspection of Win– ston Hall has been completed with final inspection scheduled Feb. 20. Inprovcmcnts have also been made at Newsome and Todd Halls with renovations expected to be com– pleted during spring break. Concerning baseball field im– provements, funds from the Chris Gay Memorial Fund, contribution, made by family members, have been used to install lights, construct a pressbox concession stand, and erect a memorial sign. The college has furnished light poles, aluminum sea– ting, and other items to improve the facility. In the area of Student Services, Dr. Phil Sutphin, Dean of Students, reported on spring semester enroll– ment, and said a record of 1184 ~tudents enrolled in classes. He also t • 6ave Recruitment Task Force plans !/or the spring semester, and reported ·on Senior Night, which is scheduled I 1 March 28. In Old Business, reports were 1 given on the SACS Self-Study, legi- ' slative matters, and on the analysis ·of th e 1988 -89 s ta tew ide Communityflunior College salary increases and benefits. According to the report. East Central personnel recieved a 13.2 percent salary in– crease for 1989 as compared to 1988, which is the second highest percentage increase among the state's community and junior colleges. G'"l>> J&Oeu~ 'uosu9o uoJe~ ___.,.__,___-D-__.L- ... , OS£6& SW "814dJ&PeJ ·f4d W·£Z xog 'l &IOOI:f '.(JU04Jnlf IISU8Jl e
The Board also approved policies for the evaluation and revision of the Policies and Procedures manual and evaluation and revision of Course Prospectuses; and approved an Insti– tution Self-Evaluation Plan Regard– ing Title IX and section 504 issues, the first Addendum to the 1988-1989 catalog, a revised agreement be– tween the college and the Missis– sippi Band of Choctaw Indians re– garding instruction, instructional personnel, and supervisor for the Video Production Technology Prog– ram, and approved a revision of the Policies and Procedures pertaining to student complaints and grievances with regard to Title IX and section 504 issues. Concerning Personnel, the Board, besides hiring a new men's basket– ball coach, approved the employ– ment of Mr. William E. Day as Video Production Technology in– structor, effective, Feb. 1, 1989 · 1u 9 pYJe pue P&:lU&j19dlC:f;ONIMOW dtiWA ~l89"£89 pue ZZI>Z1:89 &U04d &:lU9JM81 • OOfiV9S P".:l M\'Q S3lW1d 3WVN DVl DOC 3 >1VW 3 M "1>965·91>9 JO 8~0Z·S£9 f!&N:>W ~&UP!S JO 9lf01 PJBlpfl::l '3l"lfflllS3 331:1.:1 JOj 1180 ")I~OM NM "'l 11"1 00 3M "t>OZS·t>U JO 8~l£·£89 sJeueero N&ISJ04dn ' J9dJeo JOfJ&dns ("J!O 9U04d ) PV e6ed M01f9A JnO ees "ISOO ou 10 P691UeJen~ UOJI:l8JS!I8S ·.
PersonneJ changes highlighted the regular monthly meeting of the East Central Community College Board of Trustees held recently as the college's governing body approved the selection of a new men's basket– ball coach. Jay Bowen, a graduate assistant for Ed Murphy's Ole Miss Rebels, has been chosen to succeed Larry Gressett who resigned in December, 1988. Bowen, who began his new duties Feb. 15, earlier served as assistant men's basketball coach at Ann s– trong State College in Savannah, Georgta and also held the same position at Christian Brothers Col– lege in Memphis. The new Warrior head coach is a graduate of Craigmont High School (Memphis), Christian Brothers Col– lege, where he received a bachelor of arts degree in Marketing/ --•'C..,.nnthrv. Education; UUJ~Jle .,"'' u• 5Ufii!M pue 1004os 4614 pai a1d -UJoo a11e4 tsn~ ·s~ AJnr _ ~ ~ aunr UJOJJ sJa11es am paoue11 -pe pue sJotonJtSU! AtaJes lateM DU!PniOU! 9jQejJelle SUOil -!sod Jlets dUJeo JO Ata!Je/1 v · 03033N
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