Week of_~s--=-)7 __ ~_0 _ _ _
House honors Brackeen on entrance to National J r·. College Hall of Faine
In applaudina General Brackeen fo1 his many achievements, the resolutior said : " It is the policy of thi! Lqjslature to recognize and commenc excellence, especially when evidencec by the citizens of this state."
The Mississippi Ho use of Represenatives has unanimously adopted a resolution commending General Denver Brackeen upon being selected as the state's first inductee in– to the National Junior College Athletic Association's Hall of Fame. The resolution , introduced by Representative Raymond Comans of Decatur, cited General Brackeen' s outstanding basketall career as player 10 high school and college and as coach at East Central Junior College, where his teams posted 137 wins against 52 losses in seven seasons. In addition to other honors, he has been inducted into the East Central Junior College Hall of Fame, the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, and the University of Mississippi Athletic Hall of Fame. The resolution noted he was nam– ed the first Dean of Students in Mississippi Public Junior Colleges in 1962, and served for 28 years on the ECJC staff.
He advanced through the ranks in the Mississippi National Guard from a private to Brigadier General and ac– cep ted t he Assistant Adjutan t General's post on a pantime buis in 1983 and became fulltime in 19S..
.~ppeared in:
Neshoba Democrat ---- Scot~ County Times ---- Winston County Journal__
Newton County .~ppeal ___
Spirit of Morton_____ _
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Clarion-Ledger___ _ _
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