cce Trustees meeting re-employment of administra– f3cult), and professional per- vices, and Ms. Jaquita Jackson, Stu– dent Support Service Coounselor.
Staff Appreciation Day, giving the college a longer Easter holiday weekend. Along with approving personnel contracts for the upcoming school year, the Board accepted the resigna– tions of Mrs. Everett and Mr. Fulton and released position opening announcements for the for respective jobs. In the area oflnstruction, Dr. Bard Tucker, Dean of Instruction, reported on tch 1989 District Sum– mer Class Schedules, development of Unified Core Curricula by the State's Public Universities and need for additional full-time teaching pos– itions atlhe College. Concenung Transportation and Energy, Mr. Trapp reported on the status of lhe Energy Conservation Measures P.rojcct, wtth many items
beingcompleted. In the area of Budga and Fin!noe lhe Board appro\ ed the purti1:1se adult Basic EduC3llon te3~ materials from the S ""'"k- \'au Companyas a single-source uern The Board also agreed to i the college's bid lim1ts to co· with state purchasmg lav.'S a accepted bids for the following: *Computer DmgnostJC Equtpment for the Electronics Tcchnoloro Prog– ram (State Vocational Equ pmen Sivad, Inc., Jackson, S11,000 a."loll *Carpeting for lhe Student Ser– vices Offices, Buckley·~ floor Cov– ering, Philadelphia, $1,925.00: Concerning Student Scnioes. tht Board approved a request from, Dr. Phil Sutphin, Dean of Students. presented a job description for lhe part-time Student Recruiter Posinon to be included in the Pohucs and Procedures Manual. On Old Business, Dr. Smith ga\e reports on the current fund-raismg projects including the Huff Auditor– ium Refurbishing Fund, Genera! Pat– rick Wilson Memorial Scholarship Fund, and the Nellie ~1. Cross Memorial ScholarshipFund Dr. Smith also presented a legisla– tive report and informed the Board members concerning the suci.X!S ful Lady Warrior basketball team season. In New Business, Dr. Sm.lh announced the college's spnng ical "Cinderella," will be prc'ented April 12-15 in the Fine Arts Center Auditonum
'25 the main item of business re;ular monthly meeting of the Centtal Community College of Trustees. • two changes in personnel arc ed for the 1989-90 school M.rs. Jess1e Everett, Business ogy instructor, announced ~ent following 35 years of Also resi&'Tiing is Hal Fulton, oter c~;.alyst/Computer Sci- el not being considered at t time because of the non– iding federal government fiscal are Mrs. Lawrence Tingle of Student Support Sec-
Opening remarks were made by Board Chairman Henry B. "Bubba" Hudspeth of Louisville and Coiiege PresidentDr. Eddie M Smilh. Minutes of previous meeting were submitted by secretary Sam Bounds of Lawrence and approved by lhe Board members. The financial statement and dock– et of claims for February 1, 1989 were approved as submitted by Busi– ness Manager Harvey Trapp. In the area of Policies and Proce– dures, a report was given on the revi– sion of the Institutional Strategic Plan and March '2:7 was declared as Student-Faculty-Adminstration-
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