
ECCC Gospel Choir Pictured are members of the East Central Community College's Gospel Choir who recently held their fall semester concert. Members include, fi rst row, from left, Bobbie Love (president), Louisville; Lisa Stribling, Philadelphia; Youlanda Langdon, South Leake; Eunice Morgan , Philadelphia; Dorothy Edwards, Newton; Jones Steele, Louisville; Renae Thames, Beulah Hub– bard; Sonya Stokes, Carthage; Paula Thames, Beulah Hubbard; Alice Smith, Carthage; Catherine Robertson , Philadelphia; Mrs. Brenda Johnson (sponsor), Newton; second row, from left, Nicole Johnson, Carthage; Crystal Judon, Philadelphia; Wanda Edwards, South Leake; Marnette Davenport, Lake; Michelle Walker, Newton; Beverly Ware, Forest; Pam Pruitt and Katie Den– nis, both of Newton; Tonya Moore, Philadelphia; Barbara Haynes (director), LouisviJie; third row, from left, Gary Grant, Dexter Coleman and Darrell McCurry, all of Louisville; Hayes Petty, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Issac Lyons and Maurice Braxton, both of Philadelphia.

(EC Phoro)


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