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Neshoba Countians who received certificates include J anet Farve, Rachel Young, Patricia Burnside, EJizabeth Tucker, Randy Ellingburg, Joseph Boyd Eubanks, Michael Lee Frazier, Timothy Lee Frazier, Richard Isaac, Ken A. McKinney, Roy G. Mitchell, Shawn Burton, Quinton Moore J r., Scott Burton, Tracy Ledale Houston, Cynthia D. Mims, Mildred Muon Breland, Yolanda Sherrell Rhodes, Patrick O'Neal Lewis, DeAngelo Dunde' Moore, Rory Paul Willis and Bruce Wayne Anderson, all of Philadelphia. Newton Cou nti ans a ward ed degrees were David Mar shall Addy, Gina Marie Buntyn, Arnie E lizabeth Cliburn, Dale Cumberland, Dale M. Germany, Kerry W. Gilmer, Charles Sterritt Henry, Tanya Jean Henry, James Scott Jackson, Donna Killen, Rusty Long, Deborah A. Manzingo, Jeffery Ala n McNair, Deloris Moulds, Sherry T. Nichols, J. Ledale Reynolds, Leigh Ann Rus!>ell, Janis Lee Vance and Heather Parker Watts, aU or Union. James Mark Amis, Laura Reeves Baggett, J oseph Walter Barrett, J ohn Michael Blount, Michael Robert Cooper, Frontis William Ergle IIJ, Mary Humphreys Everett, Anthony

D. Gannon, Jud Graham, Linda J . Hansford, Debra Gail Mangrum, Tonya A. Trapp and Dana M. Heflin Va nce, a ll or Decatur. Daryl Eug('ne Brown, Sonya Renea Crowther, Nancy Gartrell Harris, J ason McCormick Hester , Rebecca Ann lliggins, Gina Denise Holl– ingsworth , Tin a Lo ui se Holl – ingsworth, Cla1·a Johnson, Rhonda Ann Jones, Ooris McCune, Penny L. Overstreet, Debbie B. Tune and Lisa Kay Williams, all of Conehatta, and Mary M. Joh nson and Wyane William~. both of Hickory. Students f•·om Newton County receiving certificates include Vickie Lynne Thames, Janet M. Bullard, Tracy Walters, William Mack Russell, Kevin Scott Clark, Byron Chaddrick Crenshaw and Stella Ruth Dickerson, all of Union ; Carol Ann Camp!K>Il, Tract'y Lynn Hudnall, Samantha K.ty Gr essett, William Bruce Beckham, Darnell E llis Bro~n . Jameb Reeves Nance, Charles D. Thamas, Ovid Spar ks Vicker~> Ill, James P. Rainer, Ed– ward Lee Evans, Michael M. Taylor, Derrin Sims, Willie Scott Gallaspy, William McElhenney and Mike Chaney, all of Decatur; Pamela Paige Upton, Debbie L. Payne, Jon

M. Williams, Sheila Renee Wesley, Sheila M. Evans, Robin Michelle Moncrief, Cindy B. Evans, Travis A. Stephens, and Leroy Lewis, all or Newton ; Angela Brown, Carl Mack Wash and Ramp Savell, all of Lawrence; Gerald Chickaway, Ken– neth D. Thomas, James Woods She lley II and Rebecca Jean Dollison, all or Conehatta. Students from Winston County receiving degrees include Nancy Ann Bagwell, Andy B. Childress, Jennifer G. Drury, Tracy Lynn Edwards, Henry McCully Hudspeth, Barry J. McWhirter, Jackie Lynn White and Lisa Renee William son, all or Lou isv ille; Nathanie l Wilson Boswell, Yolanda Carter, James Stan Smith and Sandra Baskin Thomas, all of Noxapate•·. Those from Winst~n County receiv– ing certificates include J . Lynn Hind– man, Kenneth Burnham, Leon Glenn Jr., Kenneth Steele: AJrred Earl Triplett, Anthony Devon Triplett, An– thony Clark, Bruce E. Jordan, Travis McGail Love, Stephen Woodruff and Timothy Vernard Wragg, a ll of Louisville; Beverly Raquel Wells and Barry Kent Edwards, both of Noxapater.

DECATUR ----------~ - A number of area res id ents were awarded degrees and ce r t ificates from East Central Com- munity College during the col– lege's 60th spring commencement Area students from Neshoba County who earned degrees in– clude John Warren AJford, Suzette Richardson Chunn, Penny Lynne Crawford, Dan Cumberland, Clinton Keith Doss, Thomas Lee Edwards, Tina Michele Eubanks, Marlon Ter– r ill Evans, Kinsey Rodney Goldman, Sedera Lynette Irons, Timothy Keith Johnson, Penny Spears Kilpatrick, Tammy Ann Kirkland, Allen Lloyd Kron, John Percy Miller, Katherine Dawn Nelson, David Overcash, Ter– rance l\1. Parkerson, Doreen Ryals, Gregory Scott Seale. Reginald Scott Shumaker, Tracy l\1. Stewart, Darlene B. Stoliby, Janet Lynn Vaughn and Synthia Denise Willis, all of Philadelphia.

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