Appointed to board non Crotwell center of Morton has been appo,nted by the Scott County B~ard of Supe':'isors to serve ~~~~~;.~~~~=~:~ ~~~~~:r.~~·g~ ~:,~ ~ T~::~·~ al~g~ ~~::;.~~0~~0-:::~~~':.::~~L:·~· whose t~rm as Di~trict thdree trepfreMse~~~i~~g~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~da~:;: ~~n~~~~u~or c~llege . He is also a surance 1n Forest , 1s a gra ua e o o . graduate of Delta State University where he rece,ved a 8 S. degree In education. . . . -

County students named to ECCC honor roll Students named to the 1989 spring semester honro roll at East Central Community College have been announced, according to Ray– mond McMullan, director of admissions, records and research. McMullan said the honor roll includes students on the President's List, students with a perfect 4.0 grade point average; Dean's List, students with at least 3 .5 grade point average; and Honorable Men– tion List, whose with at least a 3 .0 grade point average. Scott County students making the college honor roll include the following: Presidents List: Johnny Warren Beaver, Shantell Braggs, Judy Rochelle Gunn, Jamie D. Harrell, Barry Mershon Heumier, Jessie L. Sanders, all of Forest; Ruth Ann Lathem, Morton; Tammy Dendy Me· Crary , Nina Florence Moseley, Haneefah lfra Rashad, all of Lake; Dean's List: William Matt Alford, Jerry B. Dukes, Alan Ray Ezelle, D1ane Michelle Noblin, John Edward Payne, Tony Brilton Sanders, Kathy Denise Smith, Michelle Vernita Smith, Michael Alan Walters, all of Forest; Tony William Moss, Lake; Tammy Renee Shirley, Morton; Karen Sistrunk and Karen Elaine Sistrunk, both of Sebastopol; Honorable Mention: Dana Michelle Bates, William G. Freeman , Dian– na Mitchell Gibbs, Terry Everett Gray, all of Lake; Constance Mytoge Body, Randy H. Dunn, Benjamin James Guthrie, Maggie Mae Jenn– mgs, Sunay Raman Patel, Paula Kay Swinson, Jeffery Alan Thomas, all of Forest; Marion Christopher Coker, Jimmy Lamar Garland, Michelle Kathryn Misin, Donald Ray Neault, James L. O'Cain, Tammy Renee Perritt, C. Wendell Phillips, Jr., Larry A. Reeves, all of Morton; Sandra Lynn Grif· h!hs and Gregory Alan Powell, both of Pulaski.


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