\.JEEK OF IV 1 1 I
ECCC pre!
Communit) College students wrre na med Vocationai-TechnJcal or the Year during the school'~> annual .\wards Day activities held in Huff Auditorium. From left are Hamp Savell, Decatur. and Jessie Sanden•. Sebastopol. \\ ho ''ere selected Vocational Students of the Year and Sondra Fairchild who was chosen Technkal Student of the Yl.'ar. Fairchild, a Philadl'lphia High School graduate, is a resident of Carthage.
Spe<·iall\,,anb 1t'CJpients at East Ct>n1ral Comm ors \\\ard" lla) acth Hies inl'luded. 1.eated, from lt>fl. Rt>ggit' Shumaker, Neshoba Central, Citizenship and S. Lebrun Hut– chi!>on ; Janb \ ance. Decatur, Delta Kappa Gamma and lJS:\1 Eddie M. Smilh Scholarship; Doreen Ryals, Nesboba Crntral. I· C
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