\.JEEK OF r''"~zl. 1 ~? '
Students at East Central Community College " annua Awards Day ceremonies Included, from left, Dana Gre Vocational students at East Central Community Coll<'ge who receivt>d honors during Awards Day activities includ€.'d, eated, from left, Je<;sle Sanders. Sebastopol, Vocational Student of the Year and Auto Mechanics award; Roland Bur– ton. 'IJeshoha Ct-ntral, \uto Body and Fender Repair: Jamie Harrell, l'orest, Cabinetmaking; Jamie Rainer, Beulah Hubbard, Carpentry; Tracye Collins, Meridian, Cosml'tology; standing, from left, Ste,·en Davis, Newton, Electricity·: James O'Cain, :\lorton, Machinl' Shop: Ke,•in Clark,l'\eshoba Central, Welding; and Hamp Savell, Decatur, Vocational Student of the Year and Hefrigeration and Air Conditioning 3\\ard. :'lOot pictured is James McMillan. Philadelphia, :\Jasonry. -~~~w 1N : J CARTHAGENIAN :!ORTON TRI BUNE ::ESHOBA DEHOCRAT --- ~~EI!TON RECORD /' SCOTT COUNTY TINES UN ION APPEAL --- \HNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL i1ERIDIAN STAR
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