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ECCC MATH CLUB £ri.'IT!IATES. East Central Community College studentli recently inducted into Mo AJpha Theta, honorary mathematics societ., mclude, rll'st row, from left, Candie Beckham, Edinburg; Kerry Wilcher, Carthage; Stephanie Gainey, Union: Bodie Copeland, Newton; Heather Weilder, Decatur; Dana Bates, Lake; Cindy Hall, eshoba Cen ; Lisa Risher, Leaker Academy; second ro\"\, from left, Connie Myers, Sebastopol; Angell Posey, P 4»hia: Brent Wells, Noxapater; Todd Thornton, Leake Academy; James Mooneyham, Forest; and De..uer Tbomton, Leake Academy. Initiates not pictured include Alisia Amis, Lake; Alan Anthony, Philadelphia; Arthur, Edinburg; Paula Carter, Philadelphia; Aml Cockroft. Carthage; Reed Kilpatrick, ' esb C tral, Bruce Mainka, Carthage; and Stan Smith, Philadelphia. Mrs. Lois McMullan serves as club spon C Photo)
PHI THETA KAPPA OFFICERS. East Central Community College students who serve as officers ofTheta - Xi Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa, na tional community/junior college scholastic fraternity, include, seated. from - len, Tanya Henr y, co-historian a nd Heather Watts, secretary, both of Union; Tammy Kirkland,' icc pre.,ident, - Philadelphia; standing, from left, Wade Scott, co-historian, Walnut Grove; Reggie Shumaker, reporter, Phi- elphia ; Mike Cooper, t reasurer, Decatur; and Phil Duncan, president, Carthage. Dr. Shelby Harris and trs. Ann Burkes serve as advisors. (EC Photo)
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