NEW ECCC CLUB ORGANIZED. Members of "Students in Free Enterprise," a neworganization formed at East Central Community College, incJude, seated, from left, Tammy Perritt and Tammy Shirley, both of Morton; Doris McCune, Newton; standing, from left, Patricia Thornton, Chris Coker, and Sandra George, all ofMorton; and Economics instructor Jim Stroo who serves as sponsor. Mr. Stroo said the purpose of the orga– nization is to promote education about economics and free enterprise. Members not pictured include Phil Dun– can, Leake Academy; Jerry Dukes, and Randy Stroud, both of Forest, and Cully Hudspeth, Winston Academy. (EC Photo)
Appeared in:
Carthaginian____ ___
Neshoba Democrat_ ___
Ne'.tvton County .~ppeal_.....:.._
Scott County Times_ ___
Spirit of Morton_____ _
Winston County Journal_ _
Meridian Star______ _
Clarion-ledger___ _ _
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