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Returning members... Returnees on the East Central Community College Warrior football team for the 1989 season include seated, from left, defensive end Ronnie Williamson, Nanih Waiya; wide receiver Randell Moore and quarter· back Greg Fulton, both of Neshoba Central; tight end Jimmie Nowell, Jr., Winston Academy; defensive back David Nichols, Morton; defensive back Ira McDowell, Griffin , Georgia; running back Darnell Brown, Decatur; fullback Kevin Bell, Morton; defensive back Chad Harris, Neshoba Central; center Jason Walley, Newton; standing, from left, linebacker Issac Lyons, Neshoba Central; linebacker Opie Ray, Philadelphia; defensive tackle Larry McCoy, Morton; noseguard Jamie Shepard, Carthage; defensive tackle Stacey Lampley, Nox· apater; offensive tackle Kevin Lowery, Jemison, Alabama; offensive tackle Matt Rhodes, Griffin, Georgia; wide receiver Bruce Jordan, Noxapater; wide receiver Kevin Kennedy , South Leake; and tight end Anthony Clark, Louisville.
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