~VEEK OF Jvr.1. 5 !Cfdl
Father to join son n fi ld
DY T IM HORTON Staff Writer
son and share something in common,'' said Nowell. "We enjoy doing things together and I feel that this \l.III be a great experience. I feel that the other players will feel just like my son and family felt at first. They first of all felt that it was a joke but they soon realized that I was serious. I plan to do my best and if that is enough to help the team then it will be great, but if I do not benefit the team. the experience of trying wiJI still be worth it all. "l thought it v.11S a joke at first," said the younger Nowell. "But l
soon realized that he was 3erious. We a rc very close and we run together and work out together. I feel that it will be a great expcnence for both of us. I know that my teammates w11J soon give my father the respect he deserves when they see that he is no t a pushover." Nowell's sister will run the barbecue business and he will begin those "two-a-da y" practices in August. "We have an open door pol icy at (See Father Page 3)
When the East Central Communi ty College Warrior football team takes the field this fall, Jim Nowell, 43, of Louisville plans to b¢ in the huddle. Nowell, owner of Mr. Jim's Barbecue, is planning to play football for East CenLral this upcoming year along with his son, Jimmie Jr. "It Sl:lrted by my bragging to my brother-m-law that I could do as w\!U a<; some of the football player~ on the ECCC team and he challenged me," said Nowell. "We are a competitive family and now I am excited about the upcor.11ng season.·· Nowell will enter ECCC as a full lime student this fall. Ills football career includes playing a t Sturgis H•gh School as tailback, fu llback and as a punter. "I have been working on my punting lately and I hope to be able tO punt 55-60 yards by the fall," he srud. l'. owe ll r uns five to six mi les every morning and two to three mile~ each evening. He lifts "'eights and works o ut every way possible. "I weighed 215 pounds when I began and I presently weigh 233 pounds," said Nowell "I should weigh around 245 when the season begin " When asked how he felt about ~ompcting with 17- 19 year olds. he responded with a grin and said, "I am gomg to try not to hurt them." r\owell's son J1mmie, Jr. played &tt ECCC last year as tight-end. He was an all state honorable mention player. 1 feel that th is wi ll be a great opportunity to fellowship with my
Father (Continued from Page 1) ECCC," said AJ . Kilpatrick, Head Coac h for the ECCC Warriors. "Anyone that wants lO try out is eligible. If he (Nowell) makes the team, then he will play. We will certainly give him the same opponunities as anyone else and we are looking forward to the season. The players will check in on Thurs day, Aug. 10 and we will begin workouts Friday, Aug. 11." ECCC will open their season at home against Northeast Community College on Thursday night, Aug. 31. NoweU is married to the former Vema Knapp of Ohio and they have five children and six grandchildren.
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