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The~~ players on the East Central Community CoUege Warrior baseball tea m receh·ed a'urds at the annual All– :-port Hanquet and are sho\\n \\ith their respecth e plaques. Those receiving honors included, from lert, Keith l\lcGee, Mllrton. mo~t ' aluable player: Brian Senn, Demopolis, AL, most outstanding pitcher and most impro, ed ; and Joey Ho) kin. \\ in;;ton Academy . bel>I ofrensh e player. The \\ arrior baseball squad recently completed the season and po t a :!0-19 O\erall marl. \\hich reprel>ented the most \\ins by any pre,ious Ea t Central baseball team.
Football team members at East Central Community College who received awards at the annual All-Sports Banquet inch,de, from left. Scottie l\1cLaren, Grifrin, GA, most outstanding secial team player; Darnell Brown, Deca tur, most outstanding offrnsive back ; Chris White, Morton, team co-captain, mo1>t valuable player, and most outstanding defen– h e lineman; aud Steven Parker, Noxapa ter, Andre\\ F . Webb memorial award. Not pictured are Ah·in Mullins, Tu-.l a Joo,a, AL. most outstanding offensiv e lineman: Tim Davis, also or Tuscaloosa, most outstanding defensh•e back : and i\lickey McMillan, Lake, team co-captain.
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